Showing Posts For Vandy.5693:

Assassin Gear and Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Vandy.5693


I believe zerker is taken over assassin generally because you get the extra precision via things like fury, banners, spotter etc so you get the best of both worlds. I forget exactly the stat distribution of rampagers but the best condi gear is sinister/viper. Someone may elaborate on that.

still no ranger pet fix?!?!?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vandy.5693


Guys go easy on them, fixing bugs is hard when your wasting time on April fools kitten that no one wants.

[Ranger Bugs] ANET Please Address

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vandy.5693


Breaking everything in the game was well worth the stupid planes. The april fools joke is all the bugs

What Stab has done to GvG/fight guilds

in WvW

Posted by: Vandy.5693


@Arantheal I’m on a T1 server and the other day (and frequently) we were outmanned on EB and all but one BL in NA time zone. So I don’t think fight guilds are really taking up slots in map when they are nowhere near full most of the time anyway.
Also, if so many guilds are “abusing wvw” then what does that tell you about the ppt game…its boring.