Showing Posts For Veles.5289:

GW2 is another PvE-MMO?

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


These are the reasons why I left the game, I had really high hopes for WvW, which was the main selling point for me, but to be completely honest ArenaNet failed hard and when you really scratch the surface you can see the real big problems that this game has in WvW.

Some points:

1. Only two maps (Eternal Battlegrounds and three times copy/pasted borderlands).
2. Maps are too small and objectives are way too clumped up.
3. Zergs win the game.
4. No option to roam with smaller groups, die to maps being too small and objectives clumped up.
5. No option to make a group bigger then five (whoever mentions Commanders and Squads needs to check how other RvR games did it).
6. Invisible enemies/Culling issue.
7. Zero skill needed, since all you do is spam AOE (check some videos from “top notch” WvW guilds, it is laughable).
8 Waaaaay too much AOE and it stacks.
9. Bugs and exploits.
10. No personal progression and no progression overall – WvW is just one big circle jerk festival with no endgame and no purpose.
11. Scoring system.
12. Downed system – is there anyone who likes this?
13. No player names – all players are like NPC`s.
14. Free transfers that ruined the potential of WvW at the opening month or two.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


I wonder who started the rumor that RG are multibotting. Ohh and btw, just so you know, you are using radar hack aswell.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


WvW is dying and tons of players already left, good job ArenaNet, really good job.

This topic was opened a month ago and some wise people knew which sort of problems will the current scoring system bring even before this silly response went out and ArenaNet did not do anything about it.

(edited by Veles.5289)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


I’m pretty sure I saw some TC in the zerg we crushed repeatedly earlier today, if that was you, had fun?

Bro your guild could not crush us if we started playing blindfolded and with one hand tied behind our backs, proved it plenty of times in WAR. I was pretty much solo in W3 tonight and one or two guys joined me, so great win by you to beat TC…

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


So people that transfer server are no-good-easymoders but you quit wvw cause you cant counter nightcapping. Seems legit.

More or less brozefine.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


So you’re ranting about WvW… and you dont even play it?

Actually bought the game because of it, played it a lot, not my fault that ArenaNet is giving nightcapping scrubs same points as to people that are actually PVP-ing to earn them.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289



We don`t play WvW anymore. It is broken, boring and with ArenaNet “not giving a kitten attitude” will become even more crap.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


The reality of W3 is that ArenaNet failed on an epic level. Soon there will be maybe 3 servers in Europe filled with delusional people, who somehow manage to tell themselves how pro regarding organization they are (HOD from US anyone?).

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


I really don`t see how would anyone suffer (“people that play during night” in particular) if they would tie the points to the current population in zones.

This system would be running 24/7, yes it would “turn on” mostly during nights when some servers have huge number advantage over other servers, but then points would actually mean something and would actually represent best WvW servers. At this moment points only show which servers have the biggest night time numbers. And yes again; For US it is HOD with large amount of Australian guilds and in EU Vizunah Square with large amount of Canadian guilds.

But whatever makes ArenaNet happy, every person I have talked to dislikes the current system and there is only handfull of people defending it (mostly from servers that are winning due to infamous nightcapping). In a long run this will pretty much kill WvW on 90% of the servers leaving only top few active (which will manage to stay active due to constant influx of people moving from their dying WvW servers).

I really sometimes wonder what the hell was ArenaNet thinking since this was so blatantly obvious ages before the game even came out that it really hurts.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


@ Veles – yes HOD did recruit guilds so we would have a 24 hour coverage. I find it hard to believe we were the only ones that thought hey this is a 24 hour war for 14 days in order to win we need people that can fight around the clock.

Our numbers have grown greatly since the start though, by winning more people keep coming to our server.

I have never once acted like I was not from HOD, I want some good competition.

I offer up ways to fix the problem not just argue.

NO transfers to the top 20 percent.

Combine the EU and NA ladders, more servers will end up with 24 hour coverage.

It is a three way match the bottom two should tag team the top one, this is the players fault if they are not currently doing this.

Give the bottom 20 percent servers a Gold/Karma/Exp buff.

If you do not want a 24 hour war then WvWvW is not for you.

My guild was offered to join TA, which would put us on HOD, my answer was: I would never join US server so I can PvKeeps like a scrub, when all good fighting is happening during US prime time.

I still stand by that and if more people were actually willing to PVP more then cap empty objectives we would not have this conversation.

Ohhh and by the way, you are still missing the main point of my initial post… Unbelivable.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


@ped if you beat someone down over and over they tend to quit showing up, so it gets easier to beat server C and more people come to your server to help.

Last week ET and SBI were ahead after four and a half days and said they were not even teaming up on HOD.

HOD passed ET and SBI both in Prime Time NA, it was not in the middle of the night, granted we gained ground during the night.

It seems if they would have kept it up HOD would have lost last week, beat them a couple weeks people transfer to your server and now your the one that has the advantage.

As you always point out to me this is a talk about how to fix things where more servers can be competitive.

I offer up combine the EU and NA servers as the best solution and second best is the number 2 and 3 teams in the matchup tag team the number one.

Third don’t allow transfers to the top 20 percent of the servers.

Fourth give a buff for Exp/Karma/Gold to the bottom 20 percent.

As far as tools TS, Vent, Mumble just make a joint one between the servers that are tag teaming, divide the maps up in half and get after it.

There is a lot of fighting besides the top three servers in Guild Wars 2 these solutions will help at all levels.

And I got my answer to why arguing with you is pointless… You play on bestest server ever that employed bestest tactic ever: “Gais, lets recruit player all over the world, so we win can while we are not even playing and then boast how super cool grubers we are!!!”

There are 23 other server besides HOD and you actually male small portion of overall WvW community, so get off from your high horse and actually read what other people (that don`t have 24/7) coverage have to say about point system in WvW.

(edited by Veles.5289)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289



In your example, the next day server A and server B should be ignoring each other and picking on server C to regain lost ground…so the solution is in their own hands. This is just an example of poor tactics, and misdirected opportunism (lack of ambition) to only reach #2 position on 3 server fight. Put simply, they give up and scramble for #2 position and fight each other for that place.

Because we have amazing opportunities when we wanna talk to other servers and by the way you still missed the whole point: Nothing that you do will be enough to catch up with nightcapping server.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Veles.5289


I really don`t know how this thread started as a war between Australian player and everyone else on US server. This problem is much bigger then few servers on the US side and it affects EU servers aswell.

You guys need to look at the bigger picture, because this problem with nightcapping is only part of the problem and I will try to explain to everyone why it is so using some simple maths and some really rough estimates.

So here is my easy example:

Total points that you can gain from all zones (Eternal Battlegrounds + 3 Borderlands ) is 695.

Now I will do my estimate based on 24 hour period (will split it also into two equal parts of 12 hour period) just to show how points are actually not representing actual state of things and how unfair points are being distributed.

Server A: High Population, Low night activity
Server B: High Population, Low night activity
Server C High Population, High night activity

So our three servers will fight during 12 hours, all three server will have queues and battle will be back and forth, at the end of our 12 hour cycle this is how the points are distributed on average:

Server A: 320 Points X 48 ticks = 15360 Points Total
Server B: 200 Points X 48 ticks = 9600 Points Total
Server C: 175 points X 48 ticks = 8400 Points Total

Now our three server will fight for another 12 hours, but this will be a fight during night, when majority of players are sleeping and only one server (Server C) has enough people to do anything worth mentioning in WvW. At the end of this 12 hour cycle this is how the points are distributed on average:

Server A: 120 Points X 48 ticks = 5760 Points Total
Server B: 75 Points X 48 ticks = 3600 Points Total
Server C: 500 points X 48 ticks = 24000 Points Total

So there we go, we can now count what happened after one full day of fighting (24 hours or 96 ticks of points):

Server A: 21120 Points Total
Server B: 13200 Points Total
Server C: 32400 Points Total

So now our server C, that did not do very well in WvW is 10 000 points + in the lead of other two servers and they can thank it only to high late night population. So they did not organize very good, they did not hit key points when it was needed, their PVP kills are probably pathetic, no siege weapons were harmed and still they are winning. Now if you would loop this story you can clearly see how there is no way of comeback for other two servers, because all servers will at some point have same population, but at some point one server will outnumber the other two by a lot.

They need to tie point gained to outmanning other server or to being outmanned, this is the only way to make WvW more fair and give every server a chance to win by actually being good and not nightcapping. Also outmanned buff needs to be completely revised because having extra exp., karma and item gain when fighting 2 vs. 10 is not really helpful to anyone.