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There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Veletuda.5361


I’ve seen people in this thread saying things like “im casual and I play 8 hours a night” and “I’m casual and this is mandatory”.


We really need a new name for people with this horrific entitlement. I suggest “slackcore”.

Two points:

A. I don’t think you can find a post that says, “I’m a casual player, and I play 8 hours a night.” So this is a straw man argument at best. And even if you could…..

B. “Casual play” can also mean that you don’t like the need to LFG, join a Party, get on Team Speak or participate in coordinated Group events that require playing continuously for extended periods of time.

That’s me

Casual play can mean that you can drop-in and drop-out of PvE, be afk to take care of family duties, get a snack, check on a football game, etc.


The HoT maps are not casual, if defined as such.

Edit: And, yes, I have 4,900 hours in the game and consider myself a “casual” player.

I’m most definitely a most casual player then! :o

I agree casual can mean limited play time, but I would add that it also means low stress or playing as you like.

By this, with myself as an example, I like to just relax when I play. Dungeons and pvp stress me, so I prefer to follow a train, follow world boss timers, wvw or explore/level up.

Same here, though I’m not a big fan of the ‘zergs’ – I like to be able to see what’s going on! :o I do like to explore though, do JPs – which thankfully I’m getting better at. I quite like WvW in ‘bursts’.. oh wait, make that ‘liked’ – the new maps seem rather unpopulated.. I often get carried away sorting inventory, messing about with TP and ‘window shopping’ in armour/weapon wardrobe too

We used to be able to progress (slowly) towards any goal in whichever fashion we chose. This is no longer the case (with HoT expansion goals in mind). It’s really that simple!
I know a lot of people are fans of this new direction. That’s fine but please accept that your personal preference will not magically change mine.

Sure it would be easy to throw those €45 at HoT and (in my case) be bitter and disappointed about it, but why would I? My measly €’s will be better spent on indie dev’s that cater to my inefficient casual clowning about.

GW2 should be just fine as I am sure Anet will get massive income from this new crop of masterclass players.

Lol that made me chuckle
Yeah, maybe that’s what’s up with it for me. Heck, I was happy before Factions came out; exploring to find statues with guildies, hanging out, and stuff..
Heh. Good times

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Veletuda.5361


First, the reason why people don’t rez you next to the way point is because you CAN waypoint you know. It would encourage laziness. I would never ever rez anyone next to a way point. Dude just way point!

If you’re not lying and I hope you are not: that what want to do is explore then there is nothing that’s pressing you. You can casually explore all every nook and cranny at your own pace. If you die, just way point again and learn how to not die. Try a different strategy, learn your class so you don’t die. You don’t have to have 7 bots (gw1 reference) to help you get through stuffs. It was literally aids, I meant, I’ve been there done that. I afk through 99% of my vanquisher back in gw1, it was pointless. I mean if I want to do that, I might as well pop up my skyrim game and lead my 10 godly followers and destroy the world, having all godly gears and stuffs. Here you do things on your own and be independent. Only then when you work with a team, you can make sure you’re an asset, not a burden to your team.


Also it sounds like you were using a ranger. Don’t use staff. Use Sword/Axe – Longbow… Druid is only viable in raid and maybe, just maybe in high level fractals. Definitely not in open world.

I hadn’t unlocked that waypoint…
That wasn’t my ‘real’ problem. It was just a ‘darnit’ moment, so I thought I’d post on this thread, since I had read the first page or so, and agreed with quite a bit of the OP.

I was trying out the staff………… who wouldn’t……?

I’m not lying.

Raids? I haven’t come across them yet. Like I said, I JUST STARTED HoT……..

Oh, and you’re advising me about laziness… when you say you AFK’d through most of VQ……?

Why are you advising me about being independent? I said I was a mostly solo player…

I just wanted a small vent really: a friendly ear possibly… I wouldn’t have botherd, but when I look at these forums I’m often pleasantly surprised at how mature and friendly they seem to be.. Thanks for patronising me. I feel so much better now lol

Since you like dishing out advice, here’s a little for you. Don’t assume everyone is a ‘dude’ / child. If I misunderstood that, then change that to ‘try not to talk down to people’. You write well (which is increasingly rare these days!), and obviously have a lot of knowledge. If you tempered your responses a little differently you could probably be a real help

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Veletuda.5361


Well I was waiting for HoT to be cheaper, but Santa kindly brought it to me, so I wandered into Maguuma’s Breach this morning. Having equipped the Druid Staff and had a little go with the new skills along the way, I was feeling quite excited.
Then I entered..

Which of the many new tasks suddenly facing me was I to have a go at first? Being daunted by the discovery that I would need to acquire many more ‘points’ of some kind or other, along with new items seemingly designed to fill up my inventory even more, I decided to do my favourite thing: explore.
This was not enjoyable.

I’m currently lying dead wondering why no-one has rezzed me – people can fly here right? I’m hoping some kind soul will revive me, as I’m near a WP and don’t fancy running all the way back through the nasty critters/red circles and ‘lava’? all over the place… I guess I’ll pick myself up, dust myself down, and try again when I’ve posted this..

Being a ‘casual’, mostly solitary player, I feel that the game’s moving further away from me.. I did just about everything in GW and a fair amount in GW2 (no Ascended/Legendary gear, few dungeons, as they’re too ‘cramped’ and chaotic for my liking (I miss being able to grab my heroes and do them alone ): a fair few JPs) but I fear my time is running out I don’t like grind, and I won’t be forced to do content that I don’t enjoy. I’ll have a go at it, and perhaps try it again later to see if it feels different, but I’m only going to do something repeatedly if it’s fun or rewarding in some way personally to me e.g. I didn’t ‘farm’ generally in GW, but I enjoyed ‘sin solo green farming, so did that for a while; I didn’t chase titles, but once I’d got a few under my belt by playing my own way, I thought ‘why the heck not?’. Of course I ended up doing a couple that weren’t very exciting – though I drew the line at getting all elites on one character.. What the……? Can’t think of too much use for Searing Flames on my Ranger for example .. :o

I don’t mind stuff like Winter’s Presence, because it’s just a fancy extra that we can choose or not: I chose not, but there do seem to be more things I feel pressured to do, and I think HoT increases this greatly.

On a plus note: there do seem to be more helpful, friendly players in GW2.. even in the pvp-type areas of the game

Sheesh, this has grown longer than I meant..

P.S.: Casual to me is when you play a couple of hours here and there, or maybe more on the weekend, when you can find time around work/school/family/life, and when, as someone else said, you play at your own (steady in my case) pace.

A Death in Tyria - Memorial Service

in WvW

Posted by: Veletuda.5361


Just logged into GW1 and found out by guild announcement. So very sorry

Al, or ‘Rash’ as I called him (short for ‘Rashmika’: one of his chars.), was a truly lovely person. He was always friendly, helpful, calm, patient, kind and just a really genuine guy.

To those involved in the tribute: it was lovely

Sad for his family, especially at this time of year.

God bless Rash