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Celestial gear is ruined

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


Celestial looks impressive on paper but in reality not all stats are equal. The gradient of power far outstrips all others, the gradients of precision and crit damage depend heavily on each other and power, all of which are spread thin, vitality is rarely necessary even in the small quantities celestial gives. Add to that the bit where there will be more than one stat you aren’t even using; like condi in a power build, as well as stats like healing that are all or nothing due to pseudo-exponential scaling.

It’s a jack of all trades that is terrible at all of them.

Agreed. Celestial was superb for players who wanted to have additional MF and still be of a value for a group. Compared to Explorers gear that basically meant that player is useless in a group. Not that MF is gone Celestial gear NEEDS a buff. Or it would quickly become gear that you put into bank and try to forget about money and time spent on it. Or into Mystic Forge. Without MF it is Jack of all trades, that is master of none

Russian speaking guild at Fissure of Woe

in Looking for...

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


Y nas uzhe 49 memberov, zhdem vas!

Celestial gear and magic find removal

in Crafting

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


It is noted in patch notes, that magic find would become account bound. Question is – how would that affect celestial gear? When magic find bonus would be removed from this gear the total amount of +stats would become lower. Does that mean that Celestial gear would become worse, or non magic find stats on it would be increased?

Russian speaking guild at Fissure of Woe

in Looking for...

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


Disclaimer The text below would be in Russian as guild aims to recruit Russian speakers. Please do not be offended by that. If you have any questions – be free to ask them both in Russian and English, I would be happy to answer

Mi druzhelubnaya i veselaya gildiya na servere Fissure of Woe. Mi nabiraem igrokov lubogo urovnja. Na segodnjashniy den nas 35 chelovek. Mi regularno hodim v dangi, fraktali, world bossi, WvW i PvP. Mi pomogaem novichkam i ne tolko. Nashi dialogi v guild chate ne dadut vam zaskuchat. Pikittenu suda ili v igre. Moi akkaunt Velykyy.5932. Budem vam radi!
PS Prostite za translit, forum ne podderzhivaet russkiy tekst

(edited by Velykyy.5932)

AH build and Writ of Exaltation

in Guardian

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


With AH if I’m running Hammer I’ll do Writ of Exaltation, Persistence and switch the 3rd around, EM or Pure of Voice mostly. With GSword I run Superior Aria, 2h Mastery and EM or PoV. Don’t be afraid to change traits between combats if you know you’ll need something, same with skills.


I would try that one

AH build and Writ of Exaltation

in Guardian

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


have you tried looking into runes of the soldier and sigil of battle to allow some flexibility into your traits?

I am running with 6 soldier runes already

AH build and Writ of Exaltation

in Guardian

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


Thats exactly the point of my question. While I use standart trits, WoE looks appealing. So I am asking which of the standart traits could be dropped to use WoE instead

AH build and Writ of Exaltation

in Guardian

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


Hello everyone,
I am happy to see changes to Writ of Exaltation. I hovewer struggle to understand which honor trait to remove to stick Writ of Exaltation in
Currently I use Superior Aria, Empowering Might and Pure of Voice
Would be glad to hear your opinions
Thanks in advance

No magic find bonus from achievment chest

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Velykyy.5932


I have just entered the game and received complimentary achievement chest from having 500 achievement points. It clearly says when I point on the chest in achievement menu that I will get +1% magic find account wide, at the same time at account bonuses magic find bonus = 0, and my character magic find = 0
Please advise