Showing Posts For Venomous.7683:
Thanks again for the response Behellagh, I was thinking of buying one of the outfits. Can I still go out and quest with them on? Like can I still fight and use all my abilities with them on?
Thank you for the response Behellagh I greatly appreciate it.
One more thing, I’d like to know is about outfits. I noticed this tab a while back but didn’t think much of it since most of what’s in there is locked. How does the whole outfits thing work? How is it different from just basic transmute?
Hello there, I need a little help with a few things that are still somewhat unclear to me….This is a bit long but please bear with me
1. What’s the best way to make money in this game? Generally I sell everything I can on the trading post such as armor and weapons but keep my crafting materials as I feel I may need them in the future. In doing this I’ve made about 20g but I feel I should have way more. Almost as if I’m missing out on some money making tactic that’s common knowledge to all but has alluded me personally.
2. WvW, what do you do in there? I enter it and it’s basically a cluster****. I get in and the map I’m in is usually empty. There are no clear goals or objectives. I wander around a little and find not a soul in sight and on the rare occasion I do find someone they aren’t doing anything except standing around. I then just give up, leave and go back to questing. The whole thing seems like a giant confusing waste of time.
3. Dungeons, I haven’t done one yet, LFG is basically useless since most groups want lvl 80’s only even though the dungeons are advertised in my level range 40-50. What gives? are dungeons only for level 80’s?
4. I want to transmute my style but notice they charge “transmutation charges”. I understand you buy these via the gem store but is there any other way to get them without spending real-life money? I loved the transmog system in WoW for instance and feel it’s done better there than it is here in GW2 in the sense that you can do it whenever you want at any level as long as you have the gold. Where as here you want to be very picky and careful on what to transmute since it costs real-life money. Seems like it’s something you should only do at level 80 (like the dungeons) once you’ve gotten the better gear that you won’t be replacing anytime soon.
5. Guilds, what are they good for? should I join one? I haven’t yet. Do they provide any kind of benefits? How do I find a good one and not just one of those massive ones that take anyone where you will get lost in the crowd. I feel I can get just as far unguilded but I don’t know.
6. I can’t decide which class to play, how did you settle on which class to play? My problem is that I want to play a class that is valuable to groups/parties. I don’t wanna be one of these classes that’s kitten in comparison to other classes. I have a level 42 warrior, 30 mesmer and a 47 elementalist as my highest level character thus far.
I prefer ranged classes that have a variety of interesting moves over the melee classes whose moves consist of just 10 different ways on how to swing a sword, dagger, hammer whatever. But I just don’t know, the engineer looks interesting, my elementalist is fine I guess but feels a little on the weaker side. I refuse to play a ranger as they are everywhere and I generally stray from the pet classes. How can I find a good class for me?
Welp that’s about it, If I have more questions I’ll post them here. I’m glad to see you made a thread like this where I can ask my noob questions lol.
Oh come on guys the game can’t be THAT balanced. Clearly there’s gotta be some classes that way outshine the others in most areas.
Just wondering what the best profession is atm along with the worst profession?
I hear Warriors and elementalists are pretty solid while necros and mesmers are in a bad place right now. Is this true?
Haven’t played in awhile, first time logging in today and noticed a new patch was implemented. I also noticed my town clothing is gone along with the button in the hero panel where I used to be able to equip it. Just wondering what happened to it. I skimmed through the patch notes and didn’t find anything explaining this. So where can I find my old town clothing????