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HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Verbrechen.3498


There was blatant 2v1 going on last night on the HoD borderlands. I was playing in the JQ one when someone came over and called for help, so a couple of us went over.

We zoned in, to see that we had absolutely nothing. There was a Seige going on the JQ tower in our zone, we murdered them, and then HoD showed up. As soon as JQ dropped, HoD showed up again. This went back and forth for about 45 minutes.

Finally getting a bit of a zerg, and leadership going, we took Bluevale supply. We fortified it with Seige, and tried to set up shop from there. JQ Treb’d us inside the Camp, while HoD attacked outside trying to force their way in. When HoD was repelled, JQ showed up. When JQ was repelled, HoD returned. This continued on for an hour before Warmachine showed up and we took over the tower. From there, once again, HoD on one side, JQ on the other.

The rest of the map was combatless for the next 3 hours I played. HoD seiging one side, JQ the other. For a good 30 minutes, we had been spawn camped on our front gates with HoD on one side coming from their keep, and JQ on the other. They weren’t fighting amongst each other. Many players took Screenies of it.

It’s kitten like this, aswell as all the foul-mouthed HoD and JQ that make it so SBI players just want a break from the bullkitten.

Sure, fighting against us while we own land is fair-game. But when we’re trapped in spawn and both servers are still 2v1ing us to trap us there? That’s just blatently teaming for the sake of greifing. There was no reason why HoD or JQ couldn’t have taken their 30-40 man zerg elsewhere and done something useful, like assault JQ/HoD for points, rather than hold each others hands and Babysit our Portal spawn.

HoD vs JQ vs SBI (Score Screen Shot)

in WvW

Posted by: Verbrechen.3498


Namu, HoD talks just as much kitten as both SBI, JQ and ET. It’s not solely SBI.

But to my point, SBI did fairly well last week on our own. I was in more than a dozen borderlands where we were sieged by both HoD and ET on seperate keeps. Did this happen in EB over the weekend, perhaps not. But in the borderlands and during the week it did for sure.

Another thing to note about the likely hood of us dropping a bracket is that every Borderland I’ve been in, We’ve been smashed by both JQ and HoD on the same fronts. Spent 5 hours in JQ borderland and We had only a single tower, with JQ smashing the walls from the keep, and HoD smashing the Gate and opposite wall from the Central island. The Map short of that war-zone, was empty of conflict, for 3-4 hours no supply camps or anything in HoD/JQ territory changed hands, short of SBI taking it.

The 2v1 goes both ways. A lot of players are just frustrated, that once again, JQ is more or less only targetting us as they did last match-up, and that, there is really nothing we can do to Dethrone HoD due to population-imbalance.

Am I complaining, no. I’m simply stating the facts. HoD outman’s us quite frequently. It has a very demoralizing effect to see a 30K advantage turn into a 10K Deficiency over night.

You guys are definitely playing much better than the week before, you seem more organized and a bit more tactical, I never argued that HoD players skill was in question, just that a portion of the victory goes to having more manpower, which is true for all forms of warfare.

So long as Server pride exists, demoralized or not, all factions will have Zealots that spew hateful speech against the other. I personally hate HoD, simply because they are the enemy. That being said, I recognize skill and experience when I see it, not all SBI players are slack-jawed imbeciles that QQ. Just like I’m sure not all HoD players are oblivious to the fact they outnumber every server in population outside of primetime and think their win is 100% due to sheer tactical brilliance and skill.

Given all the facts, HoD deserves to win. A part of warfare is having the bigger stick, and the people to use it. Some people just can’t handle that concept – on either HoD, SBI, JQ or ET.

(edited by Verbrechen.3498)

What's the point with using a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Verbrechen.3498


So, Just my two cents.

I personally enjoy the Longbow in WvWvW. I’ve yet to do sPvP, but I’d imagine the Shortbow is superior there based on general facts. In PvE solo content, I find that the Shortbow is superior simply because It’s a bit harder to stay at max range the deeper you go into highly traffic’d mob areas.

Is is a bit lack luster? I suppose. I wish I had a reliable bleed or poison, but i digress.

To those of you saying that you get ONLY 3K in a RF… I’m level 55 currently and have played WvWvW consistently since level 10. I have lackluster gear because RNG hates me, and I still get about 3-4k per RF on REAL level 80’s. Geared or not, the fact that I can get 3-4k on someone who has superior gear level wise, says that the longbow is a lot more effective than the Zealots defending the shortbow.

Also, I play a Sniper role when defending, or attacking in WvWvW. I can pick off players fleeing the wall, or those trying to fall back on a wall out of sight. The further they run from me, the more damage I do. So although I may not be doing as much sustained damage as a SB could, I outrange, and arguable, out utility the shortbow, in terms of the Group and not the single person.

With level 40 ish Gear on, my Longbow crits at max range are about 1.5-2.5k on people who are natural 80s and not just WvW boosted.

Anyone else think Sentry Points are totally useless?

in WvW

Posted by: Verbrechen.3498


ArenaNet stated that they were basicly 1-2 man objectives, so that if you didn’t have a group, or guild, or were just straight being flattened, then you could still achieve something of some manner inside WvW. Much like raiding the Dolyaks on the road.

I do agree however, that they should be able to deter lone Dolyak’s and provide some form or scouting information with their LoS.