Showing Posts For Verdo.4861:

Don't know if anyone else noticed.

in Engineer

Posted by: Verdo.4861


I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but I was just browsing the site’s media and saw this :o

Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Verdo.4861


Nope, I still find it to be more direct to thieves although that may not have been the intention. Thieves need all the dps we can get, so this 10% nerf actually hurts us much more than say a warrior who can slap on nearly any other set of armor in the game with power on the statsheet and still faceroll.

Great, we're nerfed into oblivon 10 %...

in Thief

Posted by: Verdo.4861


Nope. I’ve never been a fan of boring bleed/venom condi builds on thieves, where I moreso prefer spike/power. I think that this is an unfair pigeonhole for thieves more than anything else. I think I’ll politely invest my time in a class that has more diversity than what Anet has been forcing thieves into slowly doing over the last year, sad to say. Oh well.

[Build/Video] S/D-Shortbow 10/0/10/20/30

in Thief

Posted by: Verdo.4861


Personally(and this is my own opinion), I think that the inability to use s/d effectively in wvw is a L2P issue. A cast time on #2 takes nothing more than better timing on the player’s part, it didn’t break the weapon set.

What new weapon sets would you like to see?

in Thief

Posted by: Verdo.4861


Is the obvious answer here not melee staff? Seriously?

Best overall wvw build (IMO)

in Thief

Posted by: Verdo.4861


You’d land your cnd+steal a lot more consistently if you pressed 5 right before you steal instead of doing the opposite. impossible to miss.

[BUILD] Boon Tank Ranger (BTR) + Variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Verdo.4861


Yea lets make another tank build, because thats what Rangers were made for…

Thanks Anet.