Showing Posts For Verlaine.4930:

SAB World 2 Zone 3 Trib mode STILL bugged

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Verlaine.4930


World 2, Zone 3 Chest bug NOT FIXED.

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Verlaine.4930


I just completed this and did NOT get any lootable chest, even after the supposed hotfix.

EDIT1: Just to point a few things out: I was racing with Crazy Jess (you can see him mocking me for losing to him by 1 min), he had not completed Normal mode 2-3 the same day, and he did get his Z-3 coin and loot, hence the “suck it Kong”. Me on the other hand, had done Normal mode 10 hours or so before I completed 2-3 in Tribulation mode.

3 hours of pain and frustration, wasted.
(Unless I get that last coin sent to me by some benelovent being)


(edited by Verlaine.4930)