Showing Posts For Vernon VonHinkelschmidt.4269:
You might want to check the training raids we organise:
We generally take everything as long as the gear makes at least a bit of sense.
We run 3 raid nights with 4-6 different raid groups each night.
North America here…. Ouch!
I would do it in a heartbeat if it were NA within 1 month on my Necro. I need to farm up some gold and Hero Points to complete the Power Reaper. I just dropped 30g on Exotics on the TP mind you.
My guild runs a power subgroup and a condi subgroup with 2 condi necromancers in it for every boss except KC and we find it easier and more forgiving than other comps. Yes, we can kill everything. We run:
- 2 Power DPS Classes
- Power PS Warr
- Magi Druid
- Chrono
- 2 Condi Necros
- Condi PS Warr
- Condi Druid
- ChronoJust find a group that plays the way you want to and is willing to make it work and you’ll do fine. If you expect to pub, expect to bring the standard meta stuff and don’t expect to bring your Necro anywhere except maybe Matth (pubs like Plague Signet).
That made my day right there!
Pardon my french, but kitten Mirror Comp.
It looks like I will not be pugging at all. I actually (oddly enough) prefer it that way. When I did raid in WoW, it was always with a guild (unless it was for weekly lockouts on LFR). No matter if we failed, wiped, ect, we had tons of fun, period. And that is the spirit of an MMORPG.
Mirror Comp is the best comp….. In a perfect world vaccum, when you have AI playing each class with perfect gear. Otherwise, it is absolute garbage and whichever theorycrafter created it should apologize. Apologize that it disincludes many professions. Apologize because it made PuGs that much more toxic.
I have run several dungeon groups, leading most of them, and it was the first time seeing that content. We did not kick a single person for what they were playing. We always succeeded, but wiped many times. But the spirit to keep on trying, and try new things was always there.
In Fractals, same story. This should be the spirit of raids. Who cares if it takes you more than one night to clear Wing 1, 2, and 3? No seriously. The idea is to have fun doing it.
The idea is to be challenged, to be proud of your first clear, even if others have done it.
That is why I want to raid. I want to say “I have faced the hardest content GW2 threw at me, and succeeded.” And that is why I hate mirror comp.
In an ideal world, there are 9 professions, 10 raid slots. You should be 100% viable taking 1 of each profession, and having a bonus slot tailored for each fight (maybe you have that guy that swaps toons out every fight because he is special and cannot play one profession too long. Or maybe you are struggling with staying alive so you take a healing druid or tempest to even your odds.)
I play a power necro and went to the raid for a while. Its the only profession I’ve had success on. I’m sad you can’t find a group, But I don’t pug so I can’t really speak of what the situation is like. You can find a group, not everyone runs the same thing.
But that is refreshing to see for sure! And you went Power Necro too. I just got all of my exotics, and still need my runes and Hero Points (I unlocked Reaper and Reaper Shroud. So I geared up.)
It’s fun. It’s survivable, and solid in open world. Those things count. I have never found enjoyment with the meta classes, but I have found enjoyment with the off-meta professions. It’s always like that for me. Reaper looks cool, is flashy, and takes a beating.
I play a power necro and went to the raid for a while. Its the only profession I’ve had success on. I’m sad you can’t find a group, But I don’t pug so I can’t really speak of what the situation is like. You can find a group, not everyone runs the same thing.
I am just determining if it is a goal I should have in mind. Determining if it is worth it to push Raids or really hit Fractal 100, have full Ascended and a legendary (gen 2) weapon.
I set goals for myself to keep me going since the game lacks a beautiful sense of direction post level 80.
How often are non-meta (mirror comp) professions taken to raids?
If non-meta classes are taken frequently, which ones are common?
Reason I ask is, I enjoy playing the Necromancer/Reaper. But I feel that I made a mistake as I was talking with the community as a whole and they said basically “If you are not a Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, or Elementalist you might want to cross raiding off of your goals.”
If that is the case (and be honest. I have very bad anxiety, but if the raiding community is too toxic to not take any non-meta classes, I’ll accept the blow. I already quit WoW for the very same reason, and I love this game too much), is it worth my time and effort to get Viper Gear?
Thanks a ton!
Necro isn’t required for any fight, so there isn’t a need to bring one. There are fights that having one isn’t a burden and can actually help in those fights, but again because it isn’t needed, you can usually find a different profession to plug into the slot where you have the Necro. If there were more fights that benefited from the necro’s kit, things like boon-corrupt and condi manipulation, it would have a more pronounced spot, but until then…
So, what does that mean? Should I cross raiding off of my to-do list, and forget they exist at all? I understand not being paticurally useful, but I don’t want to start the timesink of Viper gear for nothing.
How often are non-meta (mirror comp) professions taken to raids?
If non-meta classes are taken frequently, which ones are common?
Reason I ask is, I enjoy playing the Necromancer/Reaper. But I feel that I made a mistake as I was talking with the community as a whole and they said basically “If you are not a Mesmer, Ranger, Warrior, or Elementalist you might want to cross raiding off of your goals.”
If that is the case (and be honest. I have very bad anxiety, but if the raiding community is too toxic to not take any non-meta classes, I’ll accept the blow. I already quit WoW for the very same reason, and I love this game too much), is it worth my time and effort to get Viper Gear?
Thanks a ton!