Showing Posts For Vespin.8642:

The Arena Wait Time and GvG (take 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Vespin.8642


This is very much so spot-on. I think it should definitely be something to work towards, but the guilds who will use these the most have populations of between 25 and 35 on average and spend almost all their time raiding in WvW or fighting other guilds. ANet is correct that we need to work for these, but the work we need to do needs to accommodate this fact or the feature is going to flop.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vespin.8642


Come on NSP, is this really necessary?

(Trucing bullkitten)

Guys, the person in this post is me. I’ve made no effort to hide the fact that Ive been working with a couple commanders from BP for the last few days. If you ask anyone (Minavera, for example) I made no attempt to hide it. I personally prefer BP over AR and that’s why I was working with them. That and I found a couple truly nice, skilled, and honest commanders to work with. I’m not a spy, though. I’m still NSP. Our primary exchange of information was always on the movements of Anvil Rock as well as coordinated strikes also on Anvil Rock. Many times I did ask our people not to engage BP but that was also because it was in the best interest of NSP. I figured my job as a commander was to score as many points for my team as possible in the best way I knew how. That’s what I did.

Well as long as you realize, and it seems like you admit it here, that it takes two servers to beat our one, then it is all good.

Well you know someone was going to say it so I just rushed out front with it!

I suppose I could try to deny that, but it would be going against the evidence that the last 3 weeks of matches provide. There was a point where you were holding both of us back yesterday at the same time and I found that to be quite impressive.

Hey guys, some of you might remember I take something called “Commander Training” or CT on the NSP server.
A Commanders primary objective is to achieve the highest point gain on the map, which is short game play. But also to line up for the long term haul. I teach all of my students this, as I have become well seasoned on all aspects.

There are multiple ways in which to achieve this, (I will not go into too much depth as I don’t plan on giving any enemy commanders an insight into our tactics or pointers) One of those ways is by having a mutual goal.
Due to the intentional make up of WvWvW one server either has to abstain from a fight or join in on a ‘double team’. Thus in most cases obliterating the DT’d server.

WvW is essentially virtual warfare.
And humans have been perfecting the art of war for thousands of years, we’ve gotten pretty good at it.
You can see where I am going with this.

If two entities are, lets say, ‘displeased’ with another due to lack of respect or honour etc (not saying that is why) then they may unite together and force the aggressive entity to its knees, while when split, they may have been defeated.
This is a mutual goal. And one that can be translated to WvW. Used by people who have a higher affinity and appreciation for the long haul.

This is by no means an alliance forged in stone and an entire server can most certainly not be accounted for by their leaders actions (as you all should know about rogue Commanders form PvE). But with enough server wide acceptance it may become just that, who knows, that is where the dice can be rolled.
I cannot speak for everyone in North America, but these methods have been rampant in Europe since the game start. Its truly beautiful and can cause big zerg servers to actually have to think, rather than just produce the numbers.

It adds an extra dynamic to the game and actually keeps in time with Guild wars and its lore.
Guilds who support one server as an ally over another will bond and their Commanders + soliders will work united in their effort. While others will either abstain or be forced to fight against the opposing force. All of this being portrayed on the WvW tapestry like a fine painting.

Evolution my friends.
Lets add another dynamic to the stalemate.
Its an advancement and one that has been used by a secluded few for months. Maybe it should move from just a few individuals and become public. Because complaining about spies is one thing, and something that we cannot stop. But a game of politics? The pen can easily be mightier than the sword. – [Insert another famous quote here] -.

Thanks for reading.

I agree completely with this. I see WvWvW as warfare and I guess I like to treat it like I would treat real warfare. Alliances are something higher than tactics. They’re strategy, something far more complex. And volatile.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vespin.8642


I know I was just giving you crap. Im pretty sure all the sides do it at one time or another. I just thought it was kinda funny.

Yeah, it definitely happens at one point or another, although organized truces strike me as shady and will only bring out the unhealthy aspects of rivalries like this. I was in EB when this particular truce was happening and found it a bit unsavory that the CO called everyone to form up for an offensive on BP when NSP was not only in first place, but 100 points/tally higher in their share of the pie as well. I inquired as to why we were going to push into BP. (I was still one of the ones at Pangloss with another CO there. Perhaps she didnt get the memo to let it fall, because we held it for quite a while.) Anyways, my inquiry led to the CO leading the charge to whisper me trying to stifle dissent, stating that they had a truce with NSP to go after BP. It was about this time that NSP had rooted us out from Pangloss (not without a fight), and were marching on umber. I thought I’d let it play out, since I found it irrational that we would join up with the 1st placed and current primetime force team (NSP) to pick on 2nd place (BP), but decided to keep my mouth shut on map chat to avoid making waves. I confirmed with the CO that it was NSP that we were supposedly making this alliance with, as it seemed more likely that bargaining with BP would give us more benefit overall. He confirmed NSP was to be our ally, right about the time that the same NSP finished building their seige to take our Bravost tower. It seemed like we had been betrayed, and while I cant say that I was surprised (it was the logical thing to do.), I can say that I was a bit turned off by a formal alliance when those forming the alliance weren’t the 2 servers that were trailing, or at least trailing in the points/tally.

I decided I’d rather log off than see what happened afterwards, but seeing it on the forum I decided I’d lend my experience to the understanding of what happened, just for the sake of transparency.

It seems as though we are fighting a renewed NSP, and a refined BP. Both servers are very organized in EB and are constantly watching the roads. It puts AR’s EB crew to shame. I hope we can make up our points in the BL’s or at least change the mood of our EB. Recently its been trolling, bickering, and people wanting to attack SM or the grub more than they want to hold towers or supply camps.

Anyways, have fun out there!

Rashgal, I was actually the NSP commander tagged up when you guys took Pangloss and dug in hard. That was insane. I’m not gonna lie there was nothing we could do. We had to call in a bunch of reinforcements and it still took is a heck of a time (and by that I mean until Sekz showed up) to get you guys out. I detagged halfway through though cuz another commander came with the reinforcements.

Either way, this is basically what a truce is in WvW. It is not an agreement between sides. That is the very first thing you have to understand. Commanders only have control over their particular zergs and only have whatever control over pugs that the pugs give them. Therefore, the truce is simply an agreement between two Commanders to hit certain targets or to target the other team specifically. The instant one of those two commanders logs off the truce is over. There’s too many people in charge, not enough discipline, and too many differing viewpoints to do anything more rigid than that. However, if two any commanders find each other to be trustworthy and dependable, the truce can be nonetheless very powerful.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vespin.8642


I know I was just giving you crap. Im pretty sure all the sides do it at one time or another. I just thought it was kinda funny.

haha I know.

2:15 BP | Anvil Rock | NSP

in WvW

Posted by: Vespin.8642


Come on NSP, is this really necessary?

(Trucing bullkitten)

Guys, the person in this post is me. I’ve made no effort to hide the fact that Ive been working with a couple commanders from BP for the last few days. If you ask anyone (Minavera, for example) I made no attempt to hide it. I personally prefer BP over AR and that’s why I was working with them. That and I found a couple truly nice, skilled, and honest commanders to work with. I’m not a spy, though. I’m still NSP. Our primary exchange of information was always on the movements of Anvil Rock as well as coordinated strikes also on Anvil Rock. Many times I did ask our people not to engage BP but that was also because it was in the best interest of NSP. I figured my job as a commander was to score as many points for my team as possible in the best way I knew how. That’s what I did.