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Wierd Lines on Floors - Graphics Bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vettic.8215


I’m have a similar issue as the op in areas such as divinity’s reach and ascalonian catacombs, but i’m noticing that all the people having these issues have ATI cards, however mine is an nvidia GTX 590.

also i dont think this is a texture issue, i’m not sure as to what IS causing it but as you can see from the picture below the lines also appear on my character when in the areas displaying this bug.

note how the vertical line running up the coat is on the same axis as the line on the ground and wall, also there is a horizontal line along the inside of my collar and around my boot, these are at the same height as the respective horizontal lines on the walls.

also these lines are less apparent in the screenshot than in-game, while playing, the lines are about twice as thick.
