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Scholar professions: Can you help my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vic.1402


Thanks again for everyone posting in the Topic!

He will be testing all the 3 Scholar professions as soon as he gets the game. I’ve already recommended him to do so. He just wanted some “professional help” so he can already watch YouTube videos and Guides to prepare.

I’d almost be tempted to say you’d enjoy Mesmer more than elementalist, but give them a try.

And why is that? =) Anything in particular? Or just a hunch? Because I’m interested in hearing why.

  • Try out each one.
  • Melee is inevitable.
  • To get an idea about the meta check out
  • If you’re really a roleplayer at heart just make one of each and stick with the one who most fits your vision of the Scholar you want to play.

Thanks for that Meta link! Helps a lot! Also, I didn’t knew Meleeing was inevitable, so thank you for that. Does it apply to PvP too? Or can he be better of raining death from a hill, or some place safe?
About the roleplayer part, this will come when he actually logs in the game and try it out. He enjoyed the concepts of the characters, but there is no point in playing a Necromancer if the meta says: “Only condition necro works” and he hates Condition characters.
If a “burst” necro is viable, then I’m sure the choice will be really related to roleplaying, not only mechanics, for example. I know Elementalist can be built in both burst and condition, for example… But there is no point in playing a Condition elementalist if EVERY condition necro will be better then that Condition elementalist.

I’m not sure I’m making myself clear, as I have said: It’s not important to be the best player in the game, but he cares about not being the worst (or someone appearing with a character that is better than his in all chosen aspects). I think this comes from his time at WoW, where you could be replaced easily in a Raid group just because “another class is better than yours”. I know GW2 can’t be divided into Tank/Heal/DPS, but this probably justify his fears.

Might be possible against totally glass builds, but in order to do so you have to be pretty glassy yourself. And once they’re gone “for real” you still have to stomp them which can be tricky depending on the circumstances.

Thanks! You’ve made a good point !

Scholar professions: Can you help my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vic.1402


Hello everyone!

I’m helping out a friend of mine who is starting in GW2 next month. He decided to play the game, but he had some questions I’m not sure i’m qualified to answer, so he asked me to post his questions on this forum, since he can’t post on foruns yet.
Here it goes, quoting him:

“I want to play a scholar, and I’m sure about it, as I always do in games. I’m not sure which profession should i choose.
I want to play the game to it’s fullest, so I’ll be doing both PvE, WvW and PvP, though I like PvP the most and i like to favour it. I probably won’t make competitive PvE a lot, so if a profession favours PvP over PvE, it’s not a problem. I just don’t want to be kicked out of a party because of my Scholar’s profession.

As a D&D fan, I always value the versatility of a Wizard’s spellbook and my priorities are Control at first, and then Damage and Utility. If I can keep a powerful foe out of combat, or lock-out 5 minions at a time with a well placed spell, I feel really happy about it. I like to play as a team player, but i don’t want feel weak and feel constantly that I need to rely on the others to be successful (even if i play with a team a 100% of the time. Is more of a roleplaying reason than a mechanic one).

The elementalist sounds like something i would play, for the versatility, but I’ve read the aren’t used to their full potential if you stand away from the battle, blasting from a distance. People often recomend to use D/D combination, but i don’t like to play at close range. I like to play, as the name implies, a Scholar, not a Battle Mage or something like this.

I see no problem in equipping the daggers to run away from combat, re-position myself on the battlefield and then switch to a Staff to rain death on my enemies again, but from what I’ve read about “fields”, Elementalists favour “close range” combat a lot, am I correct?

The necromancer also sounds interesting. While I don’t really like Necromancer’s concept (as I’ve said, I’m a D&D Wizard fan, and a Generalist one. I’d hate to see my spellbook restricted only to Necromancy spells, even if I really like then), the profession sounds fun and effective.

Which leads me to my second question: How does the Meta work on this game? From what I’ve read, all professions can fill a large amount of roles, but I’m guessing they have roles they can do better than the others. Both an Elementalist and a Necromancer can make a build based on Conditions, they can control, they can heal, they can do Burst damage. That depends on how you build them.
I’m guessing that there is a meta. An elementalist can be a better “burst” than the Necro, while this one probably will make a better condition build.
Am I Correct?

As a PvPer, i like to play characters with a big burst. Sustained damage can be healed, specially when you are playing against a lot of players and some of them will be focused healers. I like to deal damage only enough to be sure i can “instantly kill” that guy. When he reaches that % of HP, i use everything and he’s gone. For real.

Ok. Thanks for reading this far!
Can you tell me which Scholar Profession looks closer to my way of playing the game? And can you enlighten me about the “meta” and in which “roles” the scholars professions can be used?

I don’t want to be the best guy in town. I’m not a “MIN MAX” player, I’m more of a roleplayer, but I don’t want to be the worst of the group either. I don’t want to be considered dead weight because I’ve leveled a character that can’t do anything the way i like to play.

Thanks again and good evening!"

FPS Issue with the 9/9 patch [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vic.1402


I was also having the FPS issue, tried to play yesterday, after 1~2 months without opening the game, and it was almost impossible. I thought it was because of some Nvidia recent updates (as i’m pretty sure there was an update not so long ago).
I also tried the -nosound option yesterday with no performance difference.

Today i just checked the game before leaving and it was running as normal again, with almost everything at highest configuration and running at 40~45 fps. It is sad that yesterday was my “day off” from university activities, but it’s good the be able to play again.

Thanks a lot! =]