Showing Posts For ViceeCRO.7519:
i joined in a second guild and i cant write on the guild chat.. but i can write on the first guild guild chat
I never had a problem or complaint using Scepter in dungeons, as in no one has ever called me out or thrown me out of a group for using a Scepter.
I like Scepter a lot because while I will spend a good portion of my time in melee with it I also have the option to back up as needed. You can play this way with a staff, but then you no longer are capable of stacking that much Might. With Strength Runes, 4 Arcane, and Sigil of Battle I usually can stack up 20-25 stacks of might. However if the group already has someone throwing out Might or everyone is at range kiting (this is the more common occurrence I run into honestly) it’s kinda wasted. You can stack might with Dagger as well, but it’s not for everyone and some people dislike melee with no ranged options (especially, again, when everyone around you is at range).
Usually I prefer /Dagger with it because /Dagger is the more offensive of the two options with more direct attacks but again it really varies on what dungeon you’re doing and what you’re facing for what tool set you want/need. BlackBeard already covered the great options with Focus as well.
All depends on how you want to support the group.
Ok i will try both wepons and see what is more Acceptable for me.
Ty for ur advise
A pve experienced player ( 13 300 ap, lvl 50 fotm ) looking for a casaual guild on europian server. Main theif palying other Professions.
(edited by ViceeCRO.7519)
If you care about support and doing damage, I would suggest taking a scepter-focus fresh-air build that has at least 4 in arcana, 2 in water, and the last 2 in water or arcana.
This gives you a couple projectile blocks/reflects, some heals and cleanse in water, good might-stacking for your team, and an invuln to secure resses without dying. I usually also take mistform (for resses) and sometimes glyph of renewal (for mai trin to pick up people who die during the cannon phase). You can also still do good damage (with ice bow added in).
Its much better to consider some select ways you can provide support while still doing damage, as opposed to building 100% for support.
hmm never thought about that … whats the armor for that build full zerk or ??
(edited by ViceeCRO.7519)
i need it youst for pve .. i made an ele whit cleric armor , superior rune of water and the accessory is cleric-.. traids : air 2 points : V….. water 6 points : V, X, XIII and arcana 6 points : V, VIII, XIII
Its that good
(edited by ViceeCRO.7519)
i need it for pve: fract – dung…
Hi guys
someone can me give a good ele support build armor set and runs advice!?
I think many times xd
Yea an outfit my mistake.. maybe they will put the armor “skins” form the Aspect Masters.
I wana that skin… Countess Anise is in the game from the start and the armor is not yet here. :/
great thanks alot
hi. someone know does the track reset when i now switch from pvp to pve (dung.) or it will youst continue ?
someone know does the track reset when i now switch from pvp to pve (dung.) ? or it will youst continue