Showing Posts For Viceroy.4736:

Dark Haven Hiring Capable Guilds 9am-3pm pst

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Yea.. come join DH…. lets all make DH a most balance server……

Yea.. come join DH…. lets all make DH a most balance server……Any Asia guilds looking at this thread.. give it a try joining our server…. current asia guild in DH is HOT led by Yaska and CoK led by me as far as i know….

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Darkhaven is Recruiting

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Thanks all for the heads up on the transfering to DH(full). I’m not too sure how is the cap and the allowance. But one thing for sure, during my guild stand down for this week, some of my members transfered to other server for WvW and when they’re trying to come back DH, It also stated full to them. In the end all my members transfered back, some within 3 tries… some within 4hours… what they feedback to me is, they restart their client and next they are are to transfer back.

Botters and gold sellers in server, i have nothing much to complain since it happens throughout the whole servers.

As for PVE-ing in DH, the same ingame nick i saw in WvW is also mostly the same i saw for dungeon LFG and events during my timezone(Asia).

Finally, i would really appreciate and thanks to those who is willingly to transfer over to our server via our recruitment thread. I believe DarkHaven so far only have one alliance which is DHA. We are trying to commit to one alliance running for DarkHaven in order to avoid anything which affect our server unity.

One Server
One Alliance
One Ventrilo
One Purpose


Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

(edited by Viceroy.4736)

Darkhaven is Recruiting

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Yes.. kardiamond, we are trying not to recruit from lower server population. but this free transfer system is something which is beyond our control sadly

Yes.. kardiamond, we are trying not to recruit from lower server population. but this free transfer system is something which is beyond our control sadlyEven for this week WvW, after looking at the first day of result. i had told my guild to stand down from WvW.

Nonetheless.. DarkHaven welcome guilds from higher population servers.. i’m not sure if this may work out right but still…. DHA still giving it a try for this recruitment..

Nonetheless.. DarkHaven welcome guilds from higher population servers.. i’m not sure if this may work out right but still…. DHA still giving it a try for this recruitment..Cheers,

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Darkhaven is Recruiting

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Thanks Worban for the DarkHaven recruitment thread..

and yes.. we, DHA would sincerely open our arms for guilds in Oceanic and Asia timezone… In this way, DarkHaven will have quite a balance WvWvW timezone server.

Those guilds who is interested in joining our server and alliance… do feel free to drop us a PM or shout in Lion Arch… i believe DHA members will react to it once we got the message….


Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Dark Haven Alliance lookings for guilds to make a difference!

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


@brender.. thnx for mentioning in here..

i pm’ed seal the deal regarding alliance.

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


@lurko.. thnx..

will reach out to him…

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

(DarkHaven) Recruiting Guild Members [Omen] Omen Gaming Community

in Guilds

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


coordinated fight alongside with Omen led by general ira… great job..

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


is there any asia timing guilds around in DH which my guild can fight together with?

my guild is from singapore, gmt+8.

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

[DarkHaven] Circle of Kakis GMT+8

in Guilds

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Circle of Kakis [CoK] seeking actively for GMT+8 timezone guilds to form up alliance. Would also welcome with open arms for guilds[GMT+8] from other server to join DarkHaven…

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Hi DarkHaven..

My guild Circle of kakis [CoK] is from GMT+8 timezone…..

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

[DarkHaven] Circle of Kakis GMT+8

in Guilds

Posted by: Viceroy.4736



Circle of Kakis is open up for recruitment and seeking for Alliance. We are all experience and casual players mostly base in Singapore + some overseas. We got our experience in terms of good/bad reputation from ex-mmorpg.

1. DAoC – used to called Kiasu alliance
2. Warhammer
3. Aion
4. Rift
5. Aika

As most of us is working adults, we may not be as hardcore as other guilds but if there is a need to activate whole server population for WvW.. CoK will definitely be deployed to assist.

We have a current strength of 100+ members who has been with us for more than 5yrs. We are now opening for new blood to join our happy big family.

At the same time, we are actively seeking for alliance in Darkhaven for WvW who is able to play alongside with us during 9pm-2am, GMT+8.

Base requirement:

Location : GMT+8 (preferred)
Server : DarkHaven
Ventrilo for tok-kitten-sing-song (preferred)
Able to blend into our playtimes as most of us have work + family to take care of…
Focus on PVE gearing and WvW

If you think you are able to met those requirements feel free to drop by the registration link below.

Registration :
Facebook Group :

Thanks for reading and see ya all in GuildWar2.

New players who need guild invite contact the following:

Type “/w Charname.XXXX insertyourmessagehere”
Sometimes just putting in-game nick doesn’t work if name similar

Ziltus (Ziltus.6803)
Viceroy (Viceroy.4736)
Xrande (Rias.6872)
Chibi Koodies (Koodies.7280)


Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

(edited by Viceroy.4736)

Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: Viceroy.4736


Home World: DarkHaven
Guild Name: Circle of Kakis
Guild Website: Circle of kakis
In-Game Contact: Viceroy.4736
Focus: PvX
Quick Notes: We are GMT+8 guild based in singapore. More info on guild recruitment thread.

Leader of Circle of Kakis
Commander of [CoK]-WvW

(edited by Moderator)