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Traits missing vital informations in tooltips to make informed decisions.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Viridian.6593


I agree with the OP, descriptions and combat information in this game are horrible. My mind has an idea why, since this game has a Korea company. I.E. looking at you NCsoft…

You guys ether got lazy and really don’t care about the accuracy of the tool tips. Maybe its work from your Korean office, Texas or California Offices. Maybe you gave them the game in Korean and said deal with it and they didn’t spent much time with translation. Doesn’t matter now what matters is:
Your character information over all is so vague that you don’t know what does what or how at times. How much to do of what of what. You don’t know if there is a bell curve or diminishing returns in place or what. Just that you got 3102 points of XYZ… Not to mention Magic Find isn’t even on the hero page.

I’ll state my most recent problem, ‘Adrenal Health’ with Warrior, toughness tree 15 point trait. Tool tip states “Regenerates health based on Adrenaline level” fairly straight forward. But when I got to level 1 do I get a Regen Boon Buff? no… Do I get a Blue Regen Buff to symbolize a trait buff is active? No… There is no way to know as the enemy hey this guy has an active regeneration buff going on at level 1, 2 or 3 stacks.

I literally have to go take damage from something and have my adrenaline up and go see each level and how much I regenerate to decide hey is this worth it or not. More information is needed, a lot more. You guys are super vague on almost everything in this game. There needs to be more informative combat information for both the player and the enemy they’re playing against to know what traits are active or skills being used.

Not to mention I found out last night even, that Volley, the skill, is not damage per hit. But a total of damage done threw out volley. Gee golly!(Since I can’t say even simple curse words that are normal in everyday life.), I had a friend tell me that, then had to make a damage log on damage to see if its for real and it is. Seriously… so much guess work in this game and people get things wrong and you want to make this an e sport out of all this confusion?

Are you for real?

-Sincerely Viridian