Showing Posts For Vondo.1460:

Cursed Shore impossible to solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vondo.1460


I realize that most of the people on these forums are uber, and will respond that I’m just a noob without skill. But I find Cursed Shore almost impossible to uncover solo, and it certainly isn’t any fun. My favorite part of this game has been exploring, but Cursed Shore has spoiled my feeling for the game. With the mobs every 20 feet but with a 50 foot aggro range, the stuns and pullbacks, you can’t take 10 steps without having to fight 4 or more mobs. And by the time you kill them the almost instant respawns mean that the mobs you killed 10 steps ago are back and ganking you.

I’m on a server with long time friends, but they are all 6+ timezones from me. Which means most of my time is spent by myself. I resent being forced by a game to play in a group, and having the thing I like best in a game being stiffled because you have decided I need to make new friends. Plus, grinding the mats I need to level my crafting to better my gear is almost impossible.

I suggest that you either make Cursed Shore a bit easier for a new lvl 80, or create another level 80 area that is explorable solo.