Showing Posts For VooDoo.8490:

Here's one for the lol's.

in Mesmer

Posted by: VooDoo.8490


How was it that you had 5 illusions up at the same time? about the end of the video or around 3:30 minutes into it

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: VooDoo.8490


VooDoo, sorry, but I don’t know where to start.
Except maybe it’s time to reroll.

We kill slow? Where?
Yes, portal was too powerful, so it got nerfed. What did you want them to do, nerf a Signet instead or something?

And tbh, take your childish “Oh noes, boo hoo, we’ll go on strike ‘n stuff, then we’ll show you! Yeah, you just wait!” and take it to the Elementalist forum, where it is usually to be found. :P
Also, cancel your sub while you’re at it, should hurt them a lot.

Argh. No wonder everyone has power-creep in their games, if nerfing always results in people immediately slashing their wrists open

Excuse me but, All of what I said are valid points. If you play a mesmer you would know WTF I am saying troll.

Mesmer least amount of changes next patch.

in Mesmer

Posted by: VooDoo.8490


You know what….I am sick and tired of us Mesmers being nerfed to the point of being useless in groups and the game. I do not participate in sPVP. I pretty much play only WvW. I do not even PVE for that matter. Anet, you are slowly nerfing this class because of whiners about portaling mass people etc. What is there left of us Mesmers to be had in this game? answer me that. We kill people the slowest, so what benefits does a group have with a mesmer in it if Mesmer specific skills are being continuously weakened to obsoletion? The one class that I have enjoyed from beta on and that which I have no interest in playing other classes, is now to be nerfed AGAIN! We aren’t unique anymore it seems and we aren’t important in your eyes Anet, it seems. Hope you are all ready for a Mesmer strike where no one will play this game and the class. Maybe then you will all re-instate our skills. So over this BS. Mantras need loving, illusions on a whole need loving, hell, am I the only one that notice we often lag behind even with blink and focus skill #4? To be honest, Mesmers have got to be the most boring class to play. But, someone has to do it. Now to be the most in-viable class in GW2. There goes PvP WvW


(edited by VooDoo.8490)

LD while in WvW is Annoying to Re-enter queue

in Suggestions

Posted by: VooDoo.8490


I am finding it rather upsetting to go LD for couple of seconds then get booted from our guild sieges while in WvW. Really? I mean set a limit of how long we go LD for before booting us out and to have to re-enter a longkitten queue. I suggest if we are LD for 60 seconds or something, then fine. But come on? A couple of seconds? Then it’s hell to get back in. Seperated from fellow guild mates, falling asleep at the Pc waiting to get back in. This is the kind of kitten that makes me want to quit this game. Makeing the game more annoying than anything to play. My Pc is more than capable of handling this game. But, There is something going on with the game that is causing me to lose connections. Not my pc nor my internet.

My 2 cents.


My mail is bugged and I am owed Gems.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: VooDoo.8490


I am unable to receive mail in game, but Others have received items I have sent. Also, I have not received my items that I paid for from the gem order. 1000 gems are owed to me.

I also keep having this message when trying to log into GW2 main website for support:
Login Error: Portal returned error: invalid_request : /var/www/forum/gw2/en/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/oauth2-0.8.0/lib/oauth2/client.rb:108:in `request’ — login_controller.rb 94 (fangamer:-1).

I need help.