Showing Posts For Vulpus.2483:
I missed the official sheet that mentions the timeframe after which it’s acceptable to forget about a tragedy, shrug it off, and continue joking about it without hurting anyone.
Can someone send it to me please?
Get off your white charger and stop with the silly crusading. I actually find it more insensitive when the moral outrage trolls desperately find comparisons for issues like this in order to have some pointless, self-righteous forum crusade about it.
There are serious plane crashes on a fairly regular basis. By the logic here we should never mention planes and air travel and the whole thing should be a taboo subject. As should, I guess, cars, motorbikes, bicycles etc etc.
Personally I think it’s incredibly insensitive of the internet White Knights who like to drag up these issues at the slightest opportunity just for the satisfaction of a sanctimonious crusade and the glow of some smug self-righteousness.
Honestly, I’m sure the OP means well but with events like this you have to be careful of excessive White Knight Syndrome and PC Kneejerk. ‘OMG you mentioned a plane!’ is a bit silly.
I think the problem atm is that so many ppl assume that damage rises as the hardened scale stack goes down, so turret guys are spamming skill 2 for the most part, which of course does no damage whatsoever.
It needs to be the other way around, with turret users only hitting skill 2 enough to keep the stack below 20, and using skill 1 and dropping buffs far more than they are doing.
I’ve had this problem before during another event months ago and it took them several hours to fix it. Hope it’s quicker this time.