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Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.

in Lore

Posted by: Vyre.2396


Their claim to the land is no stronger, than that of a bears, to America.

So you’re saying that native Americans were just the middlemen and they deserved to be (nearly) wiped out, because the Europeans just took the land from bears?


The point is simply this: land does not belong to whomever had it first.

If Charr had it first, it does not make them right.

How do you classify “right”. Being right depends on your pov, so you can’t claim either side is “right”. All that matters (It works like this in real life also) is who has the biggest army and the most guns. You control land because you are able to take it over and enforce your laws.
For example, why is the USA government allowed to enforce its laws on it’s citizens? Because they have a giant army/police force that you don’t want to mess with it. Its not like some almighty being (like a god) said, know what, white people deserve to rule this land! No, they brought guns and killed the natives.