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Windows 10?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaaaghZag.7183


Is anyone running GW2 on windows 10 technical preview? It was working fine for me but after a windows update recently all of a sudden now the game crashes (“serious error”) every time I try to launch it…it won’t even make it to the character select screen. Just wondering if this is happening for anyone else? I’m guessing it’s a Windows 10 issue.


I’ve been running on Windows 10 build 9879 (the most recent update) perfectly fine. As soon as I downloaded the most recent Guild Wars 2 update (for Wintersday) it stopped working. It now crashes to desktop with a “serious error” after click “Play” on the launcher. This indicates to me that it not an issue with Windows 10’s most recent update, but with Guild Wars 2’s most recent update.

patch size???

in Living World

Posted by: WaaaghZag.7183


@StinVec, it doesn’t correspond to language packs, it’s just that people who have had the game for longer tend to have larger clients. Mine is 21GB and the only language pack I have installed is English…

I’m not sure where you heard this about players having the game longer equaling larger installation size. I’ve had the game installed since the first day of launch. It has never been uninstalled or reinstalled and mine is the most common size frequently reported by players as being the size of theirs as well. In addition, previous comparisons on the forums between installation sizes and patch download sizes have been attributed to additional language files needing to be downloaded.

You may want to check to make sure you do not have additional languages downloaded for your game as your patches will be much larger in size than most other players due to your downloading additional language packs, as well as your client size being the 21gb you state yours is.

During the first year my game client was over 20GB and then I looked some other time and it was smaller for some reason. I think it may be to with better compression on replaced files or maybe the deletion of unneeded files after updates. My game is currently 18.2GB and just over 19GB on my external. I’ve never installed any other language packs.

patch size???

in Living World

Posted by: WaaaghZag.7183


Some so-called “unlimited download” plans are not really unlimited either. Technically you do have unlimited downloads, but after you exceed a certain threshold each month, they throttle your bandwidth so any further data transfer slows to a crawl. (Far, far too slow for downloading movies or playing games.) We do have those here in Australia too, but I regard them as a sneaky marketing gimmick rather than a true unlimited download plan.

In the UK almost all ISPs have unlimited downloads but in their fair use state that one can only use xxGB of data between 8am and 8pm and then slow down your connection. Virgin Media is by far the best ISP for non-business/education consumers in this country. On their highest tier they provide 120Mbps (all customers will get free upgrade to 152 by September this year at the latest) and provide truly unlimited data usage with one exception; they pinpoint data being sent and received by P2P programs and limit their speed between 8am and 8pm after around 20GB of download. Even then though you’ll still be able to get at least 1MB/s download speed on the P2P client.

patch size???

in Living World

Posted by: WaaaghZag.7183


Past a… few… gigabytes?! FEW?!

That’s what I consume in like 2 hours of just browsing. What sort of backwards place do you live in, lol?

If you consume a few GIGABYTES in two hours of just browsing, something is very very wrong.

I do this all the time. Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit have a lot of images. Plus (though not “just browsing”) I watch at least a couple hours of Netflix and/or YouTube and the news (stream BBC News live) every day. My brother and dad are the same as well so we use a lot of data very quickly in day-today use.