Showing Posts For WarLordZ.4217:

New EU-Linking: Your opinion

in WvW

Posted by: WarLordZ.4217


Do u guys think there is more balance in the linking? Do you see problems with the population or other topics of the linking?

Any nerfs to expect? [PvE]

in Ranger

Posted by: WarLordZ.4217


They will nerf healing, stealth and damage I guess. Maybe condi, but druid will hopefully be not strong as he is at the moment.

Single guardian can win the ranked game!

in PvP

Posted by: WarLordZ.4217


Guard is easy to counter and that simply needs a bug fix. and if u know that bug…watch for your stability. i would say fix condibuilds!

Identity of Server at Linking

in WvW

Posted by: WarLordZ.4217


I do not know if there some other players who think the same way, but I would appreciate it if A-Net allows that we are recognized by the opponents as a small server.
I would appreciate if we get back our server identity and seen by the opponent servers with my real tag and not from the bigger server. What do you think about it?