Enigmá [Eá]
Showing Posts For Waratah.1940:
Enigmá [Eá]
Off to a great start, good to see old and new faces expressing interest.
Enigmá [Eá]
Bumping, still looking for more frontline.
Enigmá [Eá]
We’re in need of more frontline, if you’re a war or guard and interested in trying us out pm us.
Enigmá [Eá]
We’re moving our raid times to late oceanic/sea.
Enigmá [Eá]
Now that the servers are open again, TF is recruiting again
Enigmá [Eá]
Bump, Still recruiting could use a few more warriors.
Enigmá [Eá]
Thanks, good luck to you guys too. Still recruiting all class’s
Enigmá [Eá]
We’re rebuilding our core and could use more people.
Enigmá [Eá]
Gonna be looking to move into GvG’s soon, could use more front line.
Enigmá [Eá]
Bump, We’re recruiting more front line. PM in game if interested
Enigmá [Eá]
Back to the top, Fun fights in Oceanic lately.
Enigmá [Eá]
Thanks Trick , growing along nicely now could use a few more guardians and ele’s though.
Enigmá [Eá]
Great guild, skillful and fun to fight, if you’re on FA and play oceanic i’d suggest hitting these guys up.
Enigmá [Eá]
Running a solid group of about 10-13 now, could do with more oceanic players.
Enigmá [Eá]
Thanks for the bump, had many great fights with NV
Enigmá [Eá]
Looking for more warriors, guardians, mesmers and ele’s.
Enigmá [Eá]
After a break from the game TF is back and looking to rebuild, recruiting all class.
Enigmá [Eá]
Had fun fights with these guys over the past few weeks, Solid guild.
Enigmá [Eá]
Bump, We’re running again after a short break and are recruiting more players, especially necros, guards and theives.
Enigmá [Eá]
Bump, Our group is slowly growing larger and still recruiting.
Enigmá [Eá]
Tempest Fury[TF]
About us:
Tempest Fury is a WvW guild based on the server Tarnished Coast. We run during the oceanic/sea time zones and are mostly from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. We’ve have been playing together for around 6-9 months. We currently run about 8-12 people with hopes of reaching 20-25, due to our small numbers we’ve become reasonably skilled players often taking on groups close to twice our size. We prefer to fight rather then PPT but if its needed we will PPT to help the server out.
*At least one level 80 character
*You’re able to come onto voice coms [Mumble, mic is preferred but not necessary]
*Attend 3-4 raids a week(We raid 5-6 days a week)
*Be able to handle criticism and be willing to change your build to suit our build requirements
*100% rep when we’re raiding
What we can offer you:
We can offer you a relaxing yet reasonably serious experience into wvw. We’re getting close to enough people to GvG so we’ll be looking into that in the near future. Due to our small numbers we’ve formed a good relationship among all our members and will be able to provide an enjoyable environment for new members to the guild.
Raid times:
We raid pretty much every day(unless people have stuff they need to do) at 9:30 am server time until 1:30 pm server time, sometimes later on a weekend.
tf-tc.enjin.com/home (if you apply please leave an ign so i can message you )
Leo Bastion(Waratah.1940), Ninja Lord Kenny(kryptic.4685) or Jolly X(JollyX.1064)
Feel free to contact one of us if you’d like to know more.
Enigmá [Eá]
(edited by Waratah.1940)
Pretty awesome guild to run with, Shame being OCX i don’t get to run with them alot but definately a group i look for when i get the chance to run late NA.
Enigmá [Eá]
BEAR are a fun guild to fight, solid group and overall good players. Hope to see you guys around during the seasons.
Enigmá [Eá]
Jolly is away for 5 days, contact Vojin or Leo for more info.
Enigmá [Eá]
These guys are an awesome guild to run with, Heaps of fun and really relaxed.
Enigmá [Eá]
Bump, Also forgot to add you can contact Vojin for more information and thanks vbac.
Enigmá [Eá]
I recently transferred to SBI and despite being vastly outnumbered these guys keep turning up, great group of people to be playing with.
Enigmá [Eá]
Recently transferred to SBI, These guys are a really nice group of players and are fun to play with.
Enigmá [Eá]