Showing Posts For Wardrum.3706:

The Frustrating problem of Autobalance.

in PvP

Posted by: Wardrum.3706


Yep, hate it when you work so hard for that win just to be taken out of it again. There should be a balance system but atm it just doesn’t work that well. it’s fine at the start or couple of min is, but even 1min before it ends, just to late.

My opinion of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Wardrum.3706


I think the big thing is the skills difference, you got some classes you could just make a vanilla lvl 1 char, pick a build from the internet and use some button bashing in a match and get the top score. without knowing even what skills do what.
If you listen to a pro players stream, they just say for example, we need a mesmer for this set up, make one and half an hour later are just as good as any other pro mesmer player. As they laugh how easy it is.
Same for pub games, you’ll never be top tier but its way to easy to be at the top 3 of the scoreboard with little to no class/pvp knowledge.
I know the game is young and eventually it will get patched, but I play this for my enjoyment and atm there is little of it in spvp. I do enjoy higher lvl Tpvp but without ranking system is gets boring fast, it’s getting rofl stomped or doing it ourselves. With close and interesting games few in between.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Wardrum.3706


Didn’t get a chest today too, I don’t know if there’s been a patch already or not. But won a tournament and haven’t gotten a chest or anything. Hope it gets resolved fast !