Showing Posts For Warhawk.1793:

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Warhawk.1793


Honestly there’s a very simple reason I voted Kiel, and it has nothing to do with who I liked more:
The amount of crazy “Omg omg omg Abaddon, GW1 iz liek best garme ev0r, vote Evon nubbs, kitten Kiel”-posts on the forums kitten ed me off.

GW1 wasn’t the rose-tinted version you now remember. Abaddon was a weak lore element. In fact, humans are – as always – a rather boring race in this MMO, and it’s predecessor suffered from being locked into them.

I didn’t dislike Evon.
I dislike you, the slobbering GW1 fanboi!

That’s fine, you can have that stance all you want, but those “slobbering GW1 fanboys” are part of the reason there’s even a GW2.

Because, you know, that’s how sequels work.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Warhawk.1793


The people saying Scarlet would be in the Abaddon fractal are just pulling outlandish justification for the complete disappointment that is the reactor.

Just admit it. You made the wrong choice.

Scarlet is Abaddon, that’s the retcon we haven’t seen yet.

Hah. I would probably laugh my face off. And then never pay attention to a shred of lore in this game again.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Warhawk.1793


The people saying Scarlet would be in the Abaddon fractal are just pulling outlandish justification for the complete disappointment that is the reactor.

Just admit it. You made the wrong choice.

TC guild seeking leaders/officers.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Warhawk.1793



This is not your normal guild recruitment message, but it certainly is a call to arms. I am looking for people with leadership skills and experience to join me in rebuilding a guild that has been around since 2006 in the original Guild Wars game. This is not your everyday guild and there is plenty of history behind it. Circumstances have led us down a rough road this year but I intend to repair what damage was done and I am in need of awesome folks who love being in a position of leadership and have a desire to help others, and together we would form a team that would create something fun and amazing. This message is most especially for those out there who may have been displaced from previous guilds they may have been a leader or officer of, for those people that want to build something that makes the game even more enjoyable for those that are a part of it as much as yourself.

There are people out there that just feel out of place being a normal member in a guild with no responsibilities. I am one, and if you are like me, then you are who I’m looking for. I really do want to stress that this is for the most serious inquiries only. If you are not located on the Tarnished Coast server at this time, and if after our meeting you are taken aboard, I would be willing to assist in server transfer. We also have established presence on Sorrow’s Furnace.

I will not be overly picky about who I choose, but I do ask that anyone interested in jumping aboard be driven and active in the game. You must also be willing to represent in-game most if not all of the time. This is not for influence purposes, this is more because I believe any leader or officer should always be representing the guild they lead.

Of course, you’re probably wondering what kind of guild this is. What our goals are, what we focus on. The plain truth is that we are open to every aspect of the game. This guild was built on the idea that a guild is in itself a community and communities are diverse and full of variety. Having said that, this is also a guild that welcomes all walks of life and origins and all personalities, and as long as a person is not consistently disrespectful toward others, they are welcomed. Respect and tolerance are the main values here. Otherwise, we don’t give a Skritt. Everyone is allowed to be themselves, say what they want, do what they want. In years past, this type of atmosphere has led to many memorable times and unlikely friendships, and I intend to keep it going. In other words, this guild is not for the “narrow-minded”. ;)

Most of all, my personal goal with this guild is and always has been to eliminate the biggest issue in most guilds out there: alienating members. No one should feel like they aren’t a part of it or that they’re just another number. Throughout the years people have used the word “family” to describe this guild, and it couldn’t be more accurate.

Anyway, there’s plenty more to go on about, but if you’re interested in this, contact me via the private messaging system here (or send me an in-game mail). I will get in touch with you as soon as possible and we can discuss the details, and I will answer any questions you have. Thank you for your time!

Does this end Nov 26th?

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: Warhawk.1793


I also think it will last till then as well.
Fractured isn’t really a full-on living story, and there’s supposed to be a huge update on the 10th.