Showing Posts For WarpSpasm.9721:

Lfg: looking for geriatrics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


Excellent! I would salute you all, but, y,know, my arthritic shoulder…

Lfg: looking for geriatrics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


Ok: so I’m 44 and still doing dailies after 2 years. Even in the early days I was the daddy of the guilds I was in. Any other grey overweight heroes of Tyria out there?

Stealthing creates artifacting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


Help please:
Stealthing as a Thief creates a ‘blocky’ effect on the character. It looks as if he is surrounded by glass cubes.
It has only happened recently since and I have tried fiddling with the graphics settings to no avail.

Suggestions please?


Why is Dagger autoattack damage so low?

in Elementalist

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


The whole point of being an Ele is to cycle through your attunements surely? This is the class’s primary attribute and it needs to be utilised to get the maximum benefit.
On DD it’s standard to close on Air, follow up on Fire, shift to Water to negate damage received and then finish off anything left standing in Earth with bleeds. With boons, esp Fury popping like billio, the DPS is through the roof with a crit build. My Ele speed kills as fast as my Warrior easily.
Anyone who can’t/won’t consider attunements whilst attacking needs to roll a different class. Sticking to auto attack is pointless.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


Agree OP, the game as a whole now seems to have grown stale.
I’ve levelled 5 alts and seen just about everything in each map. I find I’m logging on less and less now; the patches provide short term novelty only. I would have expected at the very least a new permanent dungeon or map along the lines of Southsun Cove by now.
A new race, a new class – seriously, anything over and above the point and click efforts of recent weeks. But now I hear the lead dev has ruled out an expansion. A real shame, the bedrock of the game is fantastic, but it desperately needs to be built on now to keep me coming back.
I for one would be willing to pay for a significant expansion.