Showing Posts For WaveZtream.3981:

Radiant shoulder+gloves+the jugg graphic bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WaveZtream.3981


Well the pictures speak for themselfs The glowy part gets totally transparent when the quicksilver covers


(edited by WaveZtream.3981)

Whispers leggings ruined

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WaveZtream.3981


This is bad.. logged on today and I see my armor is now red and daggers and can’t do anything about it.. this seriously can’t be intended..

Botting get way out of hand

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WaveZtream.3981


Botting/Speedhack/teleporthack/3d party
This is one out of many different ways of the bots. You don’t need an extensive education to understand erratic behavior and we see that alot in many games. But now we are talking about the issue we player’s have with Guild Wars 2.

My personal experience with the bots are in Orr(Cursed Shore), Frostgorge Sound and they are getting out of control.

It’s one thing when bots are in a secluded area when it doesn’t affect the real player’s, but when it comes to the point when they are interfering with the player’s progress then we have a major issue.

I could post several screenshots on bots but I don’t see the point because ArenaNet should be well aware of the issue. As us player’s it isn’t going fast enough to adress the big issue we have. We are suppose to report them yes so we do and we continue to report and the only time we see a bot removed is when there is a server reset and that is 1-2 time’s per/week. And that doesn’t mean they are gone.

And this bots will cause serious problems with the economical part of the game as it is already. Lets say a item cost 350gold and you know that is going to take along time for the normal or even the hardcore player to acheive.

That by itself will then lead to people buying gold for real money. And buying this money will also start a chain reaction thru the Trade Post which increase the sales even further which means it gets alot harder for the real player to get.

Game Master(GM)
Why there isn’t any in-game GM is beyond me because that will so take care of this issue. Reading player’s chat and just knowing there are GM online would help us make the game better.

Old school time GM was even a part of the player base. And if someone exploited they would humiliate them by a big bomb or something funny and then perma ban that person’s account.

Guild Wars 2
And to end this with, that we love this game and want it to be as good as it can positively be.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: WaveZtream.3981


Well I am totally handicapped after this new changes… We been playing like this since launch and even before the launch a lot of us.. To just change the place of the skills is more of taking a pi**. Just restore it or atleast make it customisable at this problem will never be a issue again.