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[NOW] WvW Guild on Stormbluff Isle Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


Follow Us And Stack [NOW] is a new WvW Guild formed to help boost the Stormbluff Isle Ranking amongst server match ups. We currently Raid on Saturdays 8pm CST.

If you love WvW and want a guild that loves WvW too this is the place for you.

Whisper Prokti if your interested! See you on the battlefield!

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have an epic feel to it anymore. I don’t know. I will be back at the beginning of May to see if the new content for that month is better than the April content. the super adventure box is a neat and creative idea, just doesnt seem very “epic”.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


Stop changing orichalcum vein locations with each patch/update. This game is already a huge grind/farm fest as it is, the least yall can do is to stop making the farming difficult. As it is, this game is becoming a huge letdown. The world boss encounters are a grind/farm as well, they don’t scale and are extremely easy. The only reason I do them is to get the (now guaranteed) rare loot to salvage into ectos. The whole purpose of my playing guild wars now is to just farm gold because it takes forever to get. Not to mention how much I lose just by using the waypoints. Why can’t those waypoints just be asura gates and be free? WvW is no fun anymore either. Its just one zerg against two other teams that it usually runs over (tier 3). I read up on the march update for WvW. I hope yall have the means to get rid of culling, but I doubt it. outmanned buff feels pointless. ascended stuff now so no reason for becoming a jeweler(thanks). A better way to find a dungeon group rather than just spamming “LFG” in map chat all day. It is so much work just to find a group, I don’t even feel like running the dungeon once I finally find 4 others. So WvW, Dungeons, World Bosses are out of the picture. Living Story…another grind. I sat where the invaders would spawn for like 2 hours just to get the achievement. Had zero fun doing at as well. So far living story has been a bore. I will put more up when I think of it.

Can you fix it (culling) ?

in WvW

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


At the end of the day our goal is to dramatically improve the experience of large battles in WvW and provide a substantial increase to the number of players that can be seen by any given client.

I have never really seen any of these large battles that you speak of Habib mostly because there is no incentive to play WvW anymore. Although because there are less and less people I don’t have a problem with culling lol. However making changes to WvW so that people won’t want to play in it is not a fix for culling and something else should be done, please. Thanks.

(edited by WeightTrainer.3219)

Lack of attention/care about WvW

in WvW

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


where can I read about what Anet is planning to change/implement (besides the culling issue) in WvW?

March update- Predictions/expectations

in WvW

Posted by: WeightTrainer.3219


I know most of my server/home world would love WvW to have a bigger stake to bring more people to it to want to win it more. Right now I don’t think the extra buffs for your world is really enough motivation for people to join the WvW fight. If there was a bigger stake in WvW for each world, you would probably never have to see the outmanned buff again, which in all honesty I think is worthless. What good does an outmanned buff do if you only get run over by a zerg every time you step into the WvW area, especially when other servers spawn camp you. I haven’t really seen any major updates to WvW since the start in august which is a real shame. But yes the major point I was trying to make was each world should have a bigger stake in WvW to bring more people to fight there and be more competitive and I hope Anet take a serious look at WvW in march because having a team of 10 most of the time is destroying any longing of mine to participate in WvW. Just a thought of mine…and most of my server.