(edited by Welgaia.5038)
Showing Posts For Welgaia.5038:
Just pointing out, an “X-file” is a case where there is no “real” explanation, saying this problem is such is not the same as calling us liars or delusional, but that there might not seem to be an immediate, clear explanation (at least that is the definition I’ve always had on “X-files” :P).
That being said, there is certainly something wrong, and I am sure most can be attributed to this DR-system, it seems very strict indeed, and the insane RNG (mixed with gigantic loot tables). As most people say, we don’t want it to “rain loot”, but a bit of a reward would be nice, and rewards are close to non-existent for mostly everything not token based.
This should be seen as a real problem by the developers, as it diminishes fun of events, farming and dungeons (which are all part of the game, like it or not). Of course loot should not be the top priority of events or even dungeons, but this is something players are going to do for hours and hours, and not really getting anything in return ruins morale so to speak, one does not feel the desire to play through such events more than 2-3 times.
Magic Find as pointed out should be used by those who wants better and more drops, but one (at least I) don’t really feel that MF has much of an impact on neither drops nor quality of the loot. MF mixed with DR is a complete contradiction to each other, and seem like (extremely sorry, but needs to be said) pure stupidity.
I still have high hopes for this game, especially with the new living story elements, making dungeons more fun and WvWvW improvement, but if this continues, you WILL lose customers. In a micro-transaction game without a monthly fee, this would be devastating (or at least I would think so). So please developers, listen to your customers, it is your game of course, but you made this for others to play, and should take note of constructive criticism.
I truly hope we can reach a middle ground here that would be fair to everyone, so once again, I beg you, something needs to be done.
(sorry for bad grammar, wall o’ text and so on. first forum post )
(edited by Welgaia.5038)