Showing Posts For Werner.1724:

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Werner.1724


Quite a bit more basic than what most people seem to be after. I didn’t want a dress, I wanted to show some skin, and I wanted a sword that someone might actually wield.


*Are* Warriors OP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Werner.1724


I’m coming here from City of Heroes. There was no best class. No best build. No best combination of powers. No holy trinity. Run what you brung. Equal doesn’t have to mean same. Reasonable balance with variety and build complexity is possible in a game.

Not perfect balance, of course. My mains were Scrappers (Warriors). Almost all that Scrappers brought to the table was DPS, and mostly single-target DPS. In City of Heroes, AoE plus stacked buffs/debuffs were king. So Scrappers were the least desirable for teams. But I never got kicked from a team for being a Scrapper. And the Scrapper community honed our builds and honed our skills until we commanded respect among at least those in the know. But mostly, we had a lot of fun.

I play a warrior because I like straight up melee with a reasonable balance of offense and defense. I want to be in that champion’s face. I want enough survivability to stay standing. And then I want enough DPS to take it down. I don’t know if Warriors are OP. I don’t play anything else. Nerf me and I’ll still play it. I’ll find a way.

I’ll do my thinking at my job. I’ll do my thinking when I’m puzzling out the rules of the game. I’ll do my thinking when I’m coming up with my build. But when I play, I want to turn off my brain and destroy the map.

The exception will be when and if I ever get good enough for “challenge play” – soloing dungeons and the like. I know that when you’re pushing the envelope, turning off your brain isn’t an option, no matter what class you’re playing. But I’m not even close to there yet. Grats to the people who are. You’re an inspiration.