Showing Posts For WezRa.9437:

All phantasms now utterly broken.

in Mesmer

Posted by: WezRa.9437


Goodbye, mesmer, goodbye. You were fun while you lasted.

Why Mesmer PvE is awkward

in Mesmer

Posted by: WezRa.9437


One of the main problems with the Mesmer, and to a lesser extent any of the other support classes, with regards to PVE/DE farming is that you don’t get rewarded for providing support – you get rewards from kills and nothing else.

So, you gave everyone Chaos Armour so they had some cool boons – you get no direct kills/drops/XP from that though. You made everyone attack twice as fast with Time Warp – good for them, they all got twice as many kills/drops, but it didn’t give you any. Mass condition removal, invisibilty, speed boosts etc. etc – all good for the overall objective, but for getting direct mass kills and therefore rewards, pretty useless.

That’s not to say we don’t have any aoe to try and tag a few mobs , but like the OP said, our way of doing it is so clunky compared to other classes. As much as I adore my mesmer, for that kind of thing I have to switch to my boooooring guardian.