Showing Posts For What.5743:
Great, thank you!
Anyone know if you will be locked out of WvW for two match resets if you transfer servers after season 2 of leagues ends?
I really like Dgins in TC too, but he does have room to grow. His ego is a little too big. A big ego is clearly an asset in a commander, but commander doesn’t work without the supporting roles. Dgins needs to learn to make better use of the people following him, not alienate them, waste them, or blame them for his own failures.
People also consider him a cheater, and that hurts him in terms of top players not dealing with him. Needs to get beyond that.
He’s tagging up and working for the team. Everyone appreciates it, very much.
Dgins is an awesome commander. His ego is what pushes most people to act right in zerg fights. While some have a hard time believing it, militia tends to do better when the commander is stern and even rash. Of course other qualities such as respect are important, and Dgins does have that as well.
About the “cheating” thing though… he doesn’t cheat. All people have to do is follow him and you’ll realize he’s doing everything pretty normal.
Indo Xx [TW] Sanctum of Rall
Gazar [BWC] Blackgate
Lady Kytana [WARD] Jade Quarry (inb4 someone says Sanctum of Rall)
Mance Khan [SG] Jade Quarry
Tarkus [OnS] (Mainly liked his days of commanding float teams when [MERC] was on BG) Blackgate
Ridculy [KnT] (not the omniblob karma train KnT of today, but the honorable one of old) Blackgate. RIP Ridculy.
Vortex Blade [NOC] Blackgate. This guy is entertaining.
Sladie [LotD] Blackgate
Finality [GoF] Blackgate
IxI Phoenix IxI [GoF] Blackgate
Dia Absolute [ND] Blackgate
Smokee Gee [HB] Blackgate
Paopaoo [ICoa] Blackgate. You will be remembered.
Dgins [LUN] Tarnished Coast
Lt Beren [HIRE] Tarnished Coast
Nightelight [CERN/ZzZz] Tarnished Coast
Mi Jiang [Hi] Tarnished Coast
Lord Green Arrow [Hel] Tarnished Coast
Chang A [TFV] Dragonbrand
Seal The Deal [HVN] Darkhaven (Waaaaaaay long time ago. Like when orbs were in WvW long time ago. Anyone remember him?)
(edited by What.5743)
Cedrick Klom
Eredon Terrace
Holy crap, that guy still commands? When my old guild, [Agg], went to Eredon Terrace MONTHS ago… Cedrick was a huge commander there.
I know we weren’t a favorite guild on Eredon Terrace, but those were some fun times.
/15 characters
Hey, can someone from KoR please send me mail in-game or on these forums telling me a bit more about your activity in WvW? Such as how often you have raids in WvW in particular.
I’m transferring out of gold league and am in search of a PvX guild. I know it’ll take two more WvW resets before I can even join WvW on another server (server transfer cooldowns), but it’s just something I’ll have to deal with.
Hello, I’m currently on a server in gold league and it really isn’t proving to be entertaining for someone with a playstyle like mine. I don’t mean I CAN’T adapt to it, but I do mean that even if I did, normally PvX guilds have a hard time against the voltron omniblobs of Jade Quarry, Blackgate, and Tarnished Coast. I like being in a PvX guild that isn’t solely dedicated to WvW. With that being said, PvX guilds in gold league tend to get absolutely and utterly demolished in gold league WvW due to the comp of the guild. This leads to the PvX guilds hardly having any participation in WvW, or if they do, they have such low numbers due to fairweather population.
Anyway, on to what I’m looking for. I’m looking for a PvX guild in silver or bronze league. I’d like for this guild to be active in WvW. I do enjoy other parts of this game, such as dungeons and world events, so activity as a guild in those aspects would be greatly desired as well.
Please don’t hesitate to tell me a few things about your guild or some other guild that you would like to recommend!
(edited by What.5743)
They’re on Maguuma now.
Was really curious if there were any NA guilds in the EU bracket? I know there are EU guilds on NA servers, but not sure vice-versa.
I know there is [NUDE] on FSP, but don’t know of any others. Anyone?
Lame joke, unimaginative, not funny, and took the least amount of effort to implement. If I wanted an MMO to look like this I would be playing one that had Pandas in it. I wish I could disable it, since I can’t, I just won’t play.
Ciao! Have fun being a negative nancy!
<3 Bobble-Heads! Funniest thing to hit the GW2 community.
I love the bobble-head prank!
Bobble-heads ftw. Haters beware.
This is a fundamental power abuse by the Devs; by playing an April Fool’s “joke” on the community, when the community is not able to do so on the Devs.
Poor judgement Devs, very poor judgement.
Seriously? What in the world. This is their game. You have no power. What’s the surprise?
It’s just for one day, guys. The majority of the playerbase finds it hilarious. Certainly the people in the wvw community. A whole bunch of bobble-heads beating eachother up.