Showing Posts For Whiskeyjack.9301:

Nevermore IV : Friend of The Drakes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whiskeyjack.9301


So this event “Stop the grawl from stealing drake eggs” refuses to start, I’ve been camping the area where it’s supposed to spawn in Wayfarer Foothills for hours and no luck. I found some suggestions online that I could try to change the map instance but that has been impossible as well no matter how much I try even when Frozen Maw is up, I just get the same instance every single time. I have been absolutely stuck for a couple of days so any suggestion would be welcome.

(edited by Whiskeyjack.9301)

Nevemore III Collection Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whiskeyjack.9301


If anyone can suggest a workaround to this or even better the GW team just give me the collection item would be nice, otherwise i will have just wasted a metric ton of items and gold for no reason

Nevemore III Collection Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Whiskeyjack.9301


The Chase the Spirit in the Abbey part of the collection seems to be bugged for me, I tried with 2 characters on 3 separate occasion and the Raven NPC does not react and the collection will not show it as completed. I had both of the required items ( Subtle Spyglass, Spirit Containment Unit) in my inventory on every occasion.