Showing Posts For Whispy.4829:
Done. See you guys in the snow
52% now so close…
Yea I left mine after a couple restarts and im at 27% now. Just let it be. Restarting probably loses your queue spot.
14% downloaded …
Backup and move 2mb per sec. Looks like they got it sorted out. Hang in there those that dont ahve it yet
Well, now I have time get my new computer build list together.
I would love to see this as well. Anyone know?
I agree that for transport mounts would be problematic and would hurt the spontaneity of battle. I can’t count how many times Ive been get mykitten handed to me and have asome gracious soul come by and save me at the last second.
Now, that being said, the one thing, and something I really enjoyed with mounts in WoW, was the “bird eye view”. And with a world a beautiful as Tyria, I would love to be able to fly around and take in the views.
While I def. dont want mounts for transport in this game, I would love to be able to see everything from above. Maybe an “attraction” type NPC where you could fly up and look around for a cost but you have a time limit and can’t dismount anywhere except the NPC. Don’t know just brainstorming here.
In order to salvage you need to get a Salvage Kit. Most vendors that sell axe picks and such have the basic ones, but there are different qualities that have better chances of salvaging upgrades or not destroying gems. I will usually use a Fine to salvage something if I want the gem back. They follow the same color levels as regular items. You use the salvage kit the same way you would apply a gem to an item, double click. There are certain items that can not be salvaged though such as soulbound items.