Showing Posts For Whoofe.7643:
i agree a lot with what razzy said. i have been the inexperienced newbie myself, but i told the groups i went in with that i hadnt done whichever dungeon i was trying for the first time each time, and each time those groups would explain the tricky bits as we went along, which helped a ton
i think if ppl are upfront and let their group know ahead of time that they may need some patience, that goes a long ways. i have been willing to help out some first timers several times.
i also think that newbs need to understand that having 3 or 4 inexperienced ppl in a group is likely drain the patience of the whole group. i try and limit the dungeon newbies to 2 in a group for sanity sake
story mode CoF first boss was pretty difficult as i remember it. i can see where this guy is coming from
I’ve never been asked to link my armor for any CoF run. Granted I do have a zerk set, and another build i swap over. If someone ever did ask me to link, here is what I’d do:
I would slowly link all my armor piece by piece, and then immediately after, ask him to link all his armor. Once it’s done and everything is settled, feel free to drop group and find a different one.
Nothing rage’s out “elitist” mentality like wasting a lot of there time, and then dropping group.
skipping pretty much is required in SE path 1 (i think?) at the beginning. the inquests keep spawning, you gotta kill the golem boss and get the heck outta there ASAP.
Pretty much all i do in game is dungeons as i love running them. However, over the last month is has become apparent that groups consisting of 4 warrior’s and 1 mesmers for CoF path 1, are slowly taking over. I could quite easily form groups for path 1, but no-a-days i find i’m getting kicked out of a group because i’m not a warrior.
Even is full of ‘’warrior/mesmer’s only please!’’
I have a group of friends to run dungeons with, but when there not online, i do find i struggle more finding a group due to the above.
It’s also causing alot of hassle in game, i see people having to prove they are DPS, if they arn’t, they get kicked. If they don’t link their armour/skills, they get kicked… I’ve timed a run with 4 warrior’s/mesmer, it takes 5-7 mins. A run with a pug takes 7-10 mins. Is 3 min’s really that vital?
This isn’t so much a rant, as more of a ’what’s happening to our community…’ post =)
i have a 80 guardian, mesmer, engy, or ranger i am willing to use on CoF path 1. i like speedy runs of 10-15 min, but i am very willing to have one or two new players tag along and learn the dungeon (means more ppl able to join another time)
i am not good enuf, however, to carry 4 newbies in a dungeon
couple tips for dungeon beginners
let the group know ahead of time that you havent done the dungeon – if they know that from the start, they’ll either kick you at the start (at least not wasting your time, and tbh, i wouldnt want to play with a group like that anyway) or like most that i have had happen, they will be more patient with you and give you tips/advice as you go thru
secondly – have a swiftness skill available in your build. whether it be on one of your available weapons skill slots, or a utility skill slot. (warhorn for ranger as an example)
(edited by Whoofe.7643)
i felt the same was as the OP when i first ran dungeons. did AC, CM, TA story modes and was so frustrated i stopped doing dungeons for a long long time.
a couple weeks ago tried doing explorables, and would let the group know that it was my first time thru the dungeon in explorable. now with some helpful guidance in each path, i feel pretty comfortable in AC and CoF dungeons, and even HotW isn’t too bad.
some things i have learned – skills like knockdown and push and pull dont work against bosses. having skills that give things like weakness, blind, protection, and aegis are very helpful in keeping you and your teammates alive – if 5 players each have some skills that can keep the boss from using its most dangerous powers for 45 seconds out of every 60 it will help a ton – a lot of what you are doing in a boss battle is just staving off damage and staying alive until you can use your next heal skill – so dodge, block, protection, blind, dodge again, heal up, and do it all again
i am not the best player, and will die once or twice sometimes per dungeon run – usually about 4 or 5 times my first run thru a path – but i still come out way ahead money wise, plus get the dungeon tokens for buying exotic gear – so its all worth it in the end, and i have been enjoying it as well for something different than open world exploration
Certain dungeon rewards seem slightly unbalanced. CoE for example takes a very long time to complete, sometimes even with a competent group especially in the case of Path 3 with the destroyer. Not to mention the risk is higher than say AC or CoF with less reward. Rewards should either be increased or certain lengthy aspects of it need to decrease in time (e.g. cut Subject Alphas health, cut the Destroyer’s health).
yes yes! very much this
risk or time spent should be relevant to reward earned
ranger is my main toon. love it in general, had a lot of fun levelling it up to 80. its the dungeons where i feel less useful as a ranger. played guardian or mesmer and felt i could make a better contribution to the group.
part of it is the pets issues, and part is the traits – so many traits just seem unattractive to me.
i do wish the longbow autoattack was a bit more reliable/useful. and the shortbow #2 is pretty mehhhh… nothing is terribly wrong about them, but those skills are just a bit disappointing is all
just starting doing explorable dungeons this past week, after having been so frustrated by them a few months ago in story mode that i almost didnt want to do dungeons again. my first suggestion would be to make story modes easier in some way, to ease ppl into the dungeon style of combat. my guild would attempt the first 3 story mode dungeons and wipe so many times because none of us really understood what we needed to do in each different situation and the big boss attacks would kill us off before we knew what was happening. ppl would get frustrated, and never want to do dungeons again because the reward was less than the cost of repairs (as well as time spent/wasted)
i’ve really gotten some enjoyment out of the regular explorables lately, because i have gotten into some good groups using the GW2LFG site, and right up front when i join the group i let them know that i was new to that particular dungeon – once that is out, ppl have been very helpful and patient with me, explained what to do in certain portions of some dungeons which helped a ton and kept me from getting frustrated. i’d like to think i’ve even been fairly useful in those groups i actually feel pretty confident on about 4 or 5 of the dungeon paths that i have repeated a few times now
that being said, theres still some dungeons that are more enjoyable than others, both because of their challenge being just right, as well as the amount of time required to complete being adequate to the reward received. some paths take so long or seem such a grind that i am much less likely to do them again.
i dont mind a reasonable challenge, but i am not such an expert at this type of game that i can always know when to use every skill or know exactly when to dodge every time at the right time. having story mode bosses perhaps do more base damage on normal attacks, but a bit less damage on their big attacks would spread things out some, and help relieve that pressure that some new dungeon players feel. since story mode is already a fairly low reward (no tokens, less silvers/loot) it should also be less risk (either fewer deaths or low repair costs)