Showing Posts For Wicca.9625:
Many thanks for the interest Khairos. It is a shame there are not more race guilds but we are doing our part for the Norn!
Home World: Piken Square EU
Guild Name: Graupel Kohn Mountain Lodge
Guild Website: Click here to see it.
In-Game Contact: Wicca.9625 or elora.9351
Focus: Norn only RP (roleplaying) some PvE and PvP.
Quick Notes: Race/Social/RP-PvP/RP-PvE
Guildname: Graupel Kohn Mountain Lodge
Restrictions: Norn only, Mature Roleplayers
Type: Race/Social/RP-PvP/RP-PvE
Contact/Officers: Wicca.9625
RP Type: Medium – Heavy
Our Lodge: Click here to see it.
About Us
Graupel Kohn Mountain Lodge are a Norn only roleplaying guild based around the concept of a homestead/hunting lodge based high up in the Dredgehaunt Cliffs. A place where Norn can rest up during their long journey into the Dredgehaunt Cliffs or make the lodge their home and help run the place. We run regular RP-PvP and RP-PvE events as well as many social evenings around the campfire up in our quiet out of the way snowy lodge.
Who Are We Looking For?
We seek mature roleplayers that are able to conduct themselves in a grown up manner, are interested in RP-PvP or RP-PvE, play their Norn character more than once a month and who wish to be a part of a Norn only guild.
What We Offer
Norn Roleplaying: We are a Norn only guild and our focus is on Norn roleplaying. We generally try to avoid other races roleplaying hubs and try to keep our roleplaying focused on the Norn and Norn locations.
Regular Events & Activities: We organise and run regular events which are always posted on our website calendar many weeks in advance. Check our calendar and see for yourself!
Maturity: We are a guild aimed at mature players and though we do accept young players at times, we are mainly formed of older gamers. Many of our members are in their late twenties, thirties or older.
English Language: We are an English language based guild though we welcome players from all over the world; English remains our standard form of communication.
Friendly & Approachable: We are a friendly group who strive to create a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Friendship and community within the guild are very important to us. We place great importance on the quality of our members in order to help maintain this friendly environment.
Casual PvE & PvP: We do not simply stand around Hoelbrak roleplaying all day long. We take on the game in all its forms and roleplay as much as we can while doing so. Many events are organised for both PvP and PvE though this always remains casual and never hardcore.
What We Expect
Proper Use Of /Say: We expect members to remain in character in /Say and their emotes at all times. We never go out of character in /Say or use ((Brackets to denote going out of character)). All other channels are generally used for out of character chat.
Activity: We expect members to log into their characters as often as possible. We do understand that people have real lives and do not live in the game but we do expect any characters that join to be actively played on a regular basis.
Mature & Friendly: We expect members to be mature, polite and friendly whenever they are logged into their guild characters. We do not want drama or Mary sue type players, if you are a drama queen chances are you will not fit in with us.
Clean Language: We expect members to totally avoid swearing of any kind when logged into their guild characters. That goes for in character and out of character chat. There is always an alternative to swearing.
Correct Grammar: We expect members to use correct English grammar. We do not allow leetspeak or emoticons, internet or text slang. Examples of what is not allowed would be lol brb afk ^^ :P. Use a capitol letter at the start of your sentence and a full stop at the end. It makes guild chat look nicer when everyone is using correct grammar.
Main Characters: It is unlikely that you will be accepted into the guild if your character is not considered a main, or only turns up irregularly or just for pre-planned events. We also limit the number of alts in the guild to ensure that the activity level remains as high as possible.
(edited by Wicca.9625)