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Constructive criticism (or writing gas..)

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.2850


Like Helseth said very well on his stream:

“There was a point where they just had to nerf Ele and Mesmer and EVERYTHING would have been viable”

Not exact words.. but it’s the truth

The worst thing about this it’s so kitteng true.. They had only to tone down these 2 classes BEFORE the wtfsmackyourheadondesk necro/spirit ranger buff where this terrible balancing got out of control. It’s literally snowballing right now, everything is getting worse. Where is the logic behind making stuff OP then buff things to be even more OP to counter it?!

Phantaram said it lately on stream quite good: If they would erase this Necro and Ranger crap while shaving some other (like warrior) it may all could be in a right spot.

Anyways, some rly good points there Django. But i doubt anything will change. ANet and their balancing kids just follow their own direction of balancing skills. Feedback accepted? Yea if something isn’t working correctly like bugfixes (i.e. sig of paralization). For everything else follow these step → balance OP stuff with even more OP stuff in a timeframe of 4 months.

Dishonor BROKE the GAME constructive fix

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.2850


Instead of punishing people for leaving even more, introduce a proper reward system. Increasing amount punishments while giving no rewards is best way to make sPvP abandoned.

Your point is pretty valid, so far the reward revamp has been announced and has the 1st priority right behind balancing this terrible meta. Team q is allready dieing.. ANet has to react quickly. But this topic is about fixing afk-, leaver-, dishonor problem. This has to be the 1st priority fixing solo q.

Dishonor BROKE the GAME constructive fix

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.2850


So what would you like to see?

A “ready” button that appears before the match is created, and if someone doesn’t hit it within some time-window the match is aborted and both teams are returned to the queue? Perhaps the non-responding players kick out of the team, or kicked out of the entire queue?

One way would be to check your heartbeat every so often with a “are you still here” button, but that would be kind of annoying. It also doesn’t address the players who leave because they don’t like the team they are paired with.

We could just ramp up the dishonor system.

I know the team has their own thoughts on this, but I’d really like to see if someone here can come up with something awesome.

Hey Justin,

First – we all know solo q has its flaws. I had recently games where just the 5th never even connected or w/e. Thats really upsetting, cause may the team comp had work out pretty good. I don’t like to suggest to “copycat” from other games, but League of Legends has a really good working solo q. If you queue up, ALL members have to ready up before the match is set up. This would bring down the numbers of AFKers and “not even logged on” peeps.

Second – I had some matches where my teammates complained about a leaver like “4v5” “we can’t win this coz of leaver” etc.. the usual stuff. But what they didn’t see why this guy left, this team sucked hard. They were capping home node with 3 people sitting on it.. and that was just one of the bad tactical failures they made, even if we tried to give them hints and stuff. I would just call him a “good leaver”, there was no chance of winning this.
To prevent this add a /resign command for solo q ONLY! ( prevent exploiting). Unlike LoL we dont have a promoting system, so add a command to “report” AFKers, trolls and I call them “bad leavers”. A leaver who left a full running NOT one sided match so far. If 3 or more of your team are reporting him he will get an EXTRA dishonor stack (missuse of this feature will get you 24hrs banned).

Third – maybe not that important, but mix up team comps. Nobody likes to see a team with 3 necros and 2 thiefs, even they are strong classes you will lack of some utillity other classes could bring. Go mix it up! There are people who suggest to mix up high with low ranks. Thats also a pretty nice thought, but after all this skyhammer farm exploit (y I would call it an exploit), I’ve seen so many bad players r52+ like a shortbow ranger spamming autoattck while not moving any inch not even dodging dragon tooth (lol).
I don’t mind if I have some lowies on my team if they are vocal and accept some commands. You can carry a game with atleast 1 other good player against an average solo q team.

cheerio wkd

1. like LoL create an “i’m rdy”-button before match starts
2. add /resign for soloq and add promoting system/report command for leaving, afk’ing, trolling. At least 3 teammates have to report. Missuse → ban
3. Mix up team comps by classes and maybe by personal ranks

How to avoid the next balance disaster

in PvP

Posted by: Wicked.2850


I agree with the most guys trying to figure out that ele & mesmer are pretty strong and needs to toned a bit, too. Even they are currently out of meta. There was a very good thread by Phantaram a couple of weeks ago how to balance out condi spam + ele & mesmer adjustions.

and @Jonathan: you said in another thread it would be great if the game pace is slowed down for more enjoyable game experience (more time for good counterplays and skillful reactions) and viewability (new players…). You should maybe revise your opinion that these 2 classes are fine right now. Nobody likes to see an insta explode of 3 guys in a teamfight because of ele, mesmer + x bursts


Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.2850


Piken Square vs Riverside blob 27.03.2013

welcome to the jungle

Oh boy, not rly good ingame footage for showing an enemy blob :< You ran in same amount of players or even more arround. Looks like a PS blob vs RS blob. If you keep complainin’ about blobs pls dont fraps it :D:D

Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.2850


Piken had 3 commanders on the map but had to eventually get 2 commanders to untag so that we could copy RS and blob up under 1 commander… it was the ONLY way we could compete against the German monsterzerg.

Im willing to bet my house that RS did not have more than 1 commander per map all night. If this is how RS want to play then kudos for ruining WvW. It was once about skill but now its all about who can build the biggest zerg…

So I take ur house dude :P Last night on PS BL we ran 2-3 commanders, splitted up a few times. There were 3 guildraids on map, and a big bunch of randoms joining the raids, which just wanted to test new wXP. We had some nice fights with Nug and SOE but for the final takeover of the hills we grouped up together.

Aurora G. vs Baruch B. vs Riverside week 4!

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.2850


GoYa has been on RS since Beta, and never moved We were just a little bit absent the last weeks, cause of college exams and stuff.. Anyways we enjoy the current matchup, BB and AG got our full Respect for the awesome fights. As far as i know no Guilds have moved to RS.

Much love, see you on the battlefield

Riverside VS Gandara VS Aurora Glade [EU T4]

in WvW

Posted by: Wicked.2850


Had some great fights on Gandara BL tonight! The bay was heavily contested from all servers :P And we also got some nice open field action with [Fury] and [XxX] and some other dudes! You were really hard to beat and you got our respect.

Much love and greetz from Riverside [GoYa] & [SPS]
see ya on the battlefield!