(edited by Wikid.6982)
Showing Posts For Wikid.6982:
You get kicked from the server if you lay dead (or afk) for too long. Not sure how long before you receive the message but it is under 10 minutes. I was dead in front of a keep for a while waiting for my server to push back and thus rez me so I wouldn’t have to trek the 5-10 minutes back. I received a message stating I had 60 seconds to resume fighting or be kicked from the server.
The POV is really bad as well when your dead so I didn’t really see this as an issue.
Xp received is based on your level. When you get to higher levels you get a lot more Xp. At 70 I was receiving 340 per gathering attempt and 150+ for kills. 14k for taking the garrison. Xp like everything else in GW2 scales with your level.
Agreed that WvW should have it’s own completion achievement separate from PvE. I understand why they added vistas, POI and Skill challenges in WvW but to make it mandatory for the World Map completion seems like a bad decision. I didn’t have much trouble in WvW getting all the points but that was because my server was completely dominate. If your server isn’t very good at WvW then it would become a major issue as the only way to get most of the vistas and some of the POI by taking keeps and the garrisons.