Showing Posts For Wingchild.9830:

Wow, thanks Anet!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


I’m adding a ‘thank you’ post.

I was one of the people who stuck out more than two hours in the event and wound up disconnecting just before the final push to the hive. Missing out on the end and having no way to get back into the live event was very frustrating.

Sending out the Ancient Karka Chests doesn’t replace the thrill of being there, but it does help me feel less left-out.

Thanks for working to make this right with the players. I’m glad to see your team was able to follow-up. +1.

Arah event chain bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Bumping from Anvil Rock. Our Arah has been bugged for at least three days.

I know of three different bugged event chains at the moment;

1) Penitent Waypoint
The camp was destroyed by Risen; the event to rebuild the camp is frozen at about 60% completion. It will not progress further. The Risen can also not destroy the camp, rendering the Penitent Waypoint inaccessible and preventing the recurring events there from firing.

On a plus note, endless waves of Risen are throwing themselves at the camp so we can farm drops even harder than pre-patch-Plinx.

2) Shelter’s Gate waypoint
The southern camp fell, too, but the event where Scholar Blix clears the tunnel can’t progress. Blix is trapped in a tunnel wall most of the way through. Since he can’t clear the tunnel, we can’t get the event to secure Shelter’s Gate. No Shelter’s Gate means no Jofast camp events since there isn’t any way to re-supply that camp.

3) South of Meddler’s waypoint
The event to escort crash survivors is bugged; they’re not moving from the crash site. There’s no “strategizing” going on at the Caer, so the events to clear Anchorage waypoint won’t fire. No Anchorage means no final push to the gates of Arah. No gates means no access to the story instance.

I’ve filed these as “blocking” bugs multiple times for my server. It’d be nice to have all events have a max 1 hour timer, after which they reset themselves. Actually, at this point it’d just be nice to have someone recycle our server.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll just farm endless gear from the never-finishing Penitent waypoint event. Might as well get some gold while I’m waiting to finish my character story.

Other Stuff To Do

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Survived the Karka attack? Here’s some other stuff to try…

Donations for Lion’s Arch
- talk to the NPC at the former fountain to learn about it
- talk to Miyami to buy a donation package
- trade that + 3 useful items (armor, weapons, food, planks, ingots) to the fountain
- receive commendations

This is an expensive way to get commendations currently, particularly given how many are needed for weapons and the relative cost versus buying gems. Might not be for everybody.

Talk to Z in the fountain!
- talk to Miyami, ask about the karka
- Talk to Z
- Learn about folks you can talk to in order to learn more about Karka

Receive Some Mail
- if you donate, then zone, you’ll get mail from Miyami calling out the NPCs you’re looking for
- quaggans / waters in caldeon forest, near the tengu stronghold
- hylek alchemist named gukumatz / north of michoan marsh, also in caldeon forest
- largos, southern portion of viathan lake, kessex hills

Investigate the Beach
- NPC near the central plaza sends you over to look at stuff on the beach
- Kind of a non-starter; this stuff was in place before the event began, doesn’t seem different.

Captin's Council Commendations are broken.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Care to post some results?

Ingots are:
copper/silver/gold = 2
bronze/steel/iron = 2, oddly
platinum/mithril/orichalcum = 13

Captin's Council Commendations are broken.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Gold sinks are handy to counter things like, say, endless Plinx runs. =)

Craft All - fast build, then wait?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


I’m crafting Ingots of various sorts for the Lost Shores event.

If I hit Craft All with a big stack of ore, I see them FLY by on the right side of my screen. I can also see them hitting my inventory in record time.

Problem is, even though the crafting bar shows 0 left to craft, I have to wait for it to iterate through every dink dink dink dink dink dink “crafting complete” pass of the bar before it lets me craft anything else.

In short, we’ve got super-fast crafting that takes just as long as it used to take. =)

Feels buggy. Please investigate. Thanks!

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Was the halloween Event like this? if so, is this gonna be what future events are going to be like.

The lag is so bad atm

Nah, Halloween was great – lag free, smooth event execution.. some confusion on the start times, and the Clock Tower was beastly, but the event itself ran great.

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


This is a complete fail on Anet’s part. Never should have had this event in such a tiny little area in one spot. Who ever decided to do it this way needs to be fired. Common sense should have popped up at some point and slapped some people around.

Just odd that we didn’t have problems like this during Mad King’s event, on a weekend.. but 3pm on a Friday is madness.

Maybe there’s not enough Overflow capacity today?

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


It’s not your PC. This is back-end server lag. Regardless of your FPS, regardless of your rig – you can’t do anything on your end to improve the experience.

That said, Anvil Rock finished the turn-ins and is now burning down Egg Layers.. though we’re not really sure what’s damaging them, exactly.

Gates of Arah - Broken event in the meta chain

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Minor update; Turns out that the worthlessness of Angaria isn’t related to the bugged “Help the Pact seize the steps of the Promenade of the Gods” event.

A team opening the gates on Anvil Rock was able to get it done on our 4th attempt after the first three bugged out in exactly the same spot.

The team did nothing differently for attempt 4; the only difference we noticed was Risen continued to spawn on the platform where the event’s taking place during the successful attempt. If the event is bugged, Risen simply will not spawn, leading to a successful Champion Risen Giant kill with no way to finish up.

A 25% successful execution rate is quite low.. I hope we can see this fixed soon.

Gates of Arah - Broken event in the meta chain

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Meta event: Gates of Arah
Server: Anvil Rock

Players clear “Hold the Pact position at Shark Anchorage against Risen attack” without a problem. This leads to a triple event;

1) Collect scrap metal to help Ballistician Dexa build her siege weapon
2) Help Crusader Angaria signal reinforcements for the assault on Arah
3) Escort Scholar Didi to the signal flare site to summon her golem prototype for the assault on Arah

The Dexa and Didi events (1 & 3) complete without a problem. Angaria’s event (2) rarely finishes successfully; instead of working with the beacons to signal reinforcements, Angaria appears to summon endless waves of enemies to her location, engaging them before they even spawn in. That event almost always fails.

Even so, this leads to;

4) Help the Pact seize the steps of the Promenade of the Gods

.. which involves fighting a Champion Risen Giant, then clearing the platform of Risen. The Giant is no problem and dies easily, often with six minutes or more to spare. The problem is… there are no Risen left on the platform to clear; accordingly, that sub-event cannot be finished, thus the event fails and the meta breaks. I’ve had groups stand there for a full six minutes with zero risen inside the event circle on the map. Once bugged, there’s no way to advance the meta, thus no way to open Arah.

I’ve reported this a few times via the in-game tool as a “blocking progress” bug. A quick search of the forum turned up other Arah bugs, but not this.

Are any other servers experiencing this oddness? Or is Anvil Rock just a lucky place to be?

So, there's no way to finish the achievements now?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Awesome how people who were effected by said Hurricane that just ripped through the north east cost just got !@#$ out of being able to finish this.

Odds are the folks most affected by Hurricane Sandy have many more pressing things on their minds than the Halloween event. =)

Halloween appreciation thread [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


I refused to leave the Mad King’s Labyrinth until the reboot was forced on me. =)

My happy Charr Ranger pushed from lv41 to lv79 (85%) in the course of this event. I don’t regret a moment of it – not even falling off the clocktower. Repeatedly. Endlessly, in fact.

It’s all good.

Thanks for the awesome Halloween event.

A glitch in the Halloween Achievements?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


For what it’s worth, the Lunatics Inquisition event takes place inside the Mad King’s Labyrinth – an instanced version of it. The actual Labs zone (with the Champion Family-Sized Candy Corn, etc) is accessed through other means. It’s been fairly high traffic every time I’ve been there – even during daylight hours.

A quick /map shout can save you a trip to the forums, sometimes. =)

Issue Loading Areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


I concur; My character can now enter the Council Level in Rata Sum.
I encountered no difficulties in the Norn capital.
No problems in the Sylvari capital.

Haven’t re-tested Divinity’s Reach; I already had the Queen’s chambers POI from an earlier visit. Also haven’t tested Black Citadel; that’s been done a while.

Looks like this has fixed itself.

Issue Loading Areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Can’t load the Queen’s Throne Room zone in Divinity’s Reach. Same “problem” contacting the login server (Code: 19:9:18:1614:101), requiring a second client restart to fix.

This is an exact match for the problem I have with the Council instance in Rata Sum. Something affecting “leader” instances in cities?

Issue Loading Areas

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


Also can’t load the Council zone in Rata Sum. Same “problem” contacting the login server (Code: 19:9:18:1614:101), requiring a second client restart to fix.

Crafting Amounts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wingchild.9830


If you double-click into that box, you highlight the number ‘1’ and can replace it with another number. Trouble is, setting the number this way doesn’t do anything – as soon as you hit ‘craft’ it resets to a value of 1.

This breaks functionality from the pre-10/23 build.

Also, an aesthetic complaint; the new crafting amount box looks/feels cheap compared to the gray entry field we had before (which kept the visual look and feel from the ‘search’ bar in the top left of the crafting screen). Further, the “hold and scroll” method for selecting an amount isn’t as simple as clicking the selection arrows or entering a value of our own.

I prefer the old amount selection design in every respect. It was prettier, easier to use, and more functional. Please forward that feedback to the devs; it’d be nice to have the original look and feel restored.