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New to GW2 and Ranger Class

in Ranger

Posted by: Wixx.1563


Than you so much for response. I will be sure to pay attention to the zones and the levels that run in sequence with them. That should help with where I should be at.

As for Ranger PVP that seems very disappointing to me as I love hunter classes or ranger classes. I am not really a melee kinda player, but being this is a new game to me and I know nothing. I guess it’s time for me to learn a new class. Lol. It’s sad to hear that the end game content may not be what I’m expecting but I guess I’ll give it a try since I already bought the game.

I do wanna thank you for your explanation as I found it very informative.

Than You,

New to GW2 and Ranger Class

in Ranger

Posted by: Wixx.1563


Hello, I am new to GW2 and the Ranger class. I do however have a lot of questions regarding this game and class but I’m trying to post just a few to fully understand. I recently just starting playing due to I got tired of Wow and all the crap that goes along with it. I did play a Hunter and mainly did PVP and was able to achieve a 2.2k rating.

I’m confuse how to move from area to area. I am currently level 13 but I only got there pretty much just from guessing where to go and by joining nearby events. Like wow you always get a quest that tells you what area to move to next. I don’t understand what I need to complete to move to the next area.

If someone could explain a few details of what I need to do in these areas to level up and be sure I’m doing it right, I would greatly appreciate it?

If I am focusing on PVP what type of gear should I be wearing and what stats are most important for Rangers? If there is a specific site that explains this class in detail please provide that and I would gladly be sure to read up on it.

Also, how is the end game content of GW2 for PVP. Do you think it’s the same or comparable to Wow PVP? I have only really played Wow and it seems I’m always comparing everything new to wow. I’m sure I should not be doing that because if everything was the same it wouldn’t be fun. Lol.

I think I’m just getting frustrated because I really have no idea what I’m suppose to be doing, or the understanding of the in game content.

Please provide any information you think that will help.

Thank You