Showing Posts For WolfxKid.2784:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: WolfxKid.2784


dont know if its been suggested. but i would like the option to gift gems to other players. as i wanna reward my members who go out of there way to help the guild

Superior rune of the Mad King recipe via personalized ToT bags?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WolfxKid.2784


i got mine just now after reading this. i bought 1k candy traded for bags oppened traded for bags kept it up. last bag like the 240th i opened gave me it

Guild LFM *aurora glade*

in Guilds

Posted by: WolfxKid.2784


we do dungeons and pve stuff. and farming events. will go more pvp and WvWvW when we get more members

Guild LFM *aurora glade*

in Guilds

Posted by: WolfxKid.2784


Tyria Chronicle looking for new members. Requirments are. social. nice and like to talk in guild chat. want a good feel among the members. we got plenty of guild upgrades already done. all are on tier 2. architecture is on tier 3. got all minor upgrades on that tier done. got several lvl 80. atm we are a small but active guild who like too help eachother. if you feel this guild is something for you

whisper Arcane Angel or make friend with wolfxkid.
you can also write here your name and il send a invite too you.
wanna know more also write here