Showing Posts For Wolya.9140:

What happen to my short bow? (The Dreamer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolya.9140


Can anyone post Kudzu’s new bowstring? Mine looks the same to me, or maybe I have not been noticing it in details…

I think it looks a million times better

The before pic is a bit potato quality, but I think that it shows how much the string has changed.

Oh, now that you put the pictures beside each other, yeah, the new string does look a lot better than a single black line.

I kindda like the new change! But the HoT SB’s string looks the best tho… XD

No complains. Loving my Kudzu more now.

New minstrel effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolya.9140


The new update is so pretty.

Time for a howler update..

What happen to my short bow? (The Dreamer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolya.9140


Can anyone post Kudzu’s new bowstring? Mine looks the same to me, or maybe I have not been noticing it in details…