Showing Posts For XDarkPhoenixX.4196:

Arias' garden treants' camera position

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: XDarkPhoenixX.4196


Can anyone help with this thread?

The same thing happens on “The Ghost Rite” Durmand Priory, When you transform. Very Irritating.

I am the reason you wil fear the dark.

Klakka The Brainy Pirate [Skill Point Gendarran Fields] [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: XDarkPhoenixX.4196


This challenge is bugged for thieves. When you stealth for enough time (Like 2-4 seconds) the skill challenge resets. Which makes it annoying when u heal because u immediately need to drop stealth in order to continue the fight.

I am the reason you wil fear the dark.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: XDarkPhoenixX.4196


Well my 2 cents. (Basically a Sniper)
Add rifle with 1000 range normal elevation (To target), 1200 (1300-1400 maybe) for x-metre(s) high elevated range (like not just a cm higher sort of thing) and 800 (700 maybe) for lower elevation. But only have elevation count towards the rifle and not other weapons. (Elevation Idea from someone elses post).

And maybe for stronger rifle skills do some kind of movement restriction (So not for skill 1). Maybe to get an optional range of 1200-1300 on a normal elevation to target take a no movement and no stealth penalty (like timed or something)

So on keep walls and such in WvWvW can use extra range and be alot more helpful (More options) on keep walls.

I dunno something along those lines to minimise balance issues.. (>.> even tho being the only class without 1200 range is evil. Maybe if warrior didnt have 1200 range.. it would be less… evil).

I mean come on thieves are basically assassins but being alot higher than the target is mostly a bad thing.. messed up.

I am the reason you wil fear the dark.

(edited by XDarkPhoenixX.4196)