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I would like to see fishing added in the future

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xaekyx.6320


I’d love this as long as they don’t make it a money sink. It should be for supplementing Cooking and finding the occasional random item.
I like the variety of fish in WoW, but I thought it was dumb that you were unable to fish in areas if your skill wasn’t high enough. It should just be HARDER to catch certain fish if your skill is low.
I don’t know how to make fishing fun or unique. There are a lot of good suggestions in this topic that I hope ArenaNet will look into. Clicking on a bobber might work in WoW, but it wouldn’t fit in an action oriented game like GW2.

Some thoughts:
Fishing up a Risen Tuna in the Straits of Devastation would be fun.
Feeding fish to nearby skale and drakes to make them passive would take care of the aggro problem along most of the shorelines.
Fishing poles having new skillsets would fit well with GW2 (edit: Volkon’s ideas are way better).

(edited by Xaekyx.6320)

Does Spear 5 seem silly to anyone else?

in Thief

Posted by: Xaekyx.6320


In PvE, #5 dodge and the #3 block/stabby lets you tank boss mobs. In PvP, it’s only really great if your opponent is melee too (usually only warriors).