Showing Posts For Xaivier.9756:

Server disconnects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


yeah alota lost loot here, and a bit annoyed, hope everything is ok their end


LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


a very time consuming task, and one that I don’t wish to take the time doing when there are other gear sets that don’t cost any considerable extra effort to get like Berserkers


LWS2 gated equipment

in Living World

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I think that it is fantastic that Condition damage now has a more prominent role in the game after being so useless for so long, my only qualm with the whole situation is gating the trinkets behind such long winded and time consuming achievements. They way to get sinister trinkets is to complete the mastery achievements for LWS2, which is you don’t have you gotta buy, thus locking it behind a pay wall for some people, and if you do have it you have to bash your head against a wall over and over on some achievements that seem to hold an odd amount of luck to them. The Best examples of these repetitive and seemingly chance based achievements would be Shrubsplosion and Rock Dodger from episode 8- Point of no return, the only episode i own. There are not markers for where the explosions from the plants occur, they seem to explode easily if you’re just a tad close and the rocks that spawn under ground have almost zero visibility on a screen cluttered with flowers that go bang, and dragon that puts orange circles everywhere and glowing particle effects from the divine torch. I can appreciate that most of the difficulty I am having is down to me being bad, but now with such a strong shift to condi damage surely implementing an alternative method of obtaining these trinkets, even if they become very expensive laurel items or cost like 5000 bandit crests, would be beneficial to the community. Not being able to raid as a condition player because i cant afford to buy LWS2 is just grinding my patients down slowly.


(edited by Xaivier.9756)

Constant Crashing Since an Update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


now you know what it feels like to player what anet calls a mac “beta” client


[Mac] Crashes are an important to fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I get the same thing on my client. WvW, big cities, large events, basically just the key components to the game cause it to crash. If i run it on the lowest setting i might get an hour more before crashing but i feel playing an old school pixel game would feel more rewarding. Having used the mac client for a few years now it is painful to see other games that are new to the market make clients for mac while we are still in BETA. a legitimate client would be a lovely reward for putting up with all these bugs and crashes. Hopefully it is done soon so we can enjoy all that is to come in HoT

It happened again shortly after restarting client. here is a screen shot of the pop up i get



(edited by Xaivier.9756)

[MAC] Login screen doesn't pop out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I gave up trying last night and shut it all down. came back this morning and the client has actually opened. dont know if it will last or if it is just a one off. fingers crossed


[MAC] Login screen doesn't pop out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I have the same issue. Game crashed mid PvP match and now it wont bring the login screen up. It thinks the application is open but i cant do anything. some insight into this would be lovely


Client crashes during heavy graphic fights

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


I am getting this issue randomly now. It has happened to me in WvW, PvP and even when trying to run fractals. I have also had it on the character screen and have to restart the computer or force quite the app though activity monitor to be able to play again. I cant get anything done at the moment. Any idea why this has started happening?

Processor 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB
Software OS X 10.9.3 (13D65


(edited by Xaivier.9756)

PvE Zerkers.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


The way i play (and feel free to judge) is that if you don’t ignore tactics and bring something to the fight, maybe heals or shouts or perhaps even the ability to take a few hits for the team, then you are most welcome in my dungeon groups. i think that players should play a build that they feel suits their play style not what is the “meta” at that point.


Ascended armor and fracts

in Crafting

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


Hey there. this question is mainly aimed at an official Anet guy but if you got some answers would be great

with the new ascended armor out and the amount of time it takes to get all the mates for one piece. will it be possible for casual player to get the gear later on in the game? in later patches will it become a drop in fractals like the weapons did?

Some players, my self included dont have the time to grind all day every day to get the armor so it would be a really awesome patch to put in at some point.

thanks for feedback


Warrior Advice

in Warrior

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


build carefully, hammer build will be nerfed in a month


Post Your Build Thread

in Warrior

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


This is a kinda new experimental build of mine. not sure if it is really viable but her it is. mainly for PVE and fract runs but can hold its own in WvW well.

still working to get the gear for my char though. the accessories are a pain to grind


warrior builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Xaivier.9756


i am rather fond of the greatsword build as you dont need to use the adrenaline which if
talented right gives the health regen. what talents and stats go with the hammer build. been off the game for about 5 months so very behind on stuff


warrior builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Xaivier.9756



i am looking for a warrior build with high defense and high damage, kinda like an off tank concept so that i can run dungeons while contributing well to the team and being able to carry in a sticky situation. i am currently running 30,0,30,10,0 and stack power toughness vitality on my gear. the survivability is good when in dungeons but is almost nothing in WvW which i would like to get into more. and suggestions?
