Showing Posts For Xanadhi.4615:

Extra color option for T3 female leggings?

in Norn

Posted by: Xanadhi.4615


This is just a tiny suggestion but I wanted to try nonetheless. For the leggings of the Tier 3 Norn female cultural armor, there is some “piping” or lining around the bands that go round the legs. I’ve attached a screenshot to show what I mean. I had thought that you could colour it separately but unfortunately that’s not the case. The leggings have 3 colour options (the third one being the medallion on the sleeve-less side)… can we have a 4th? Pretty please? Thanks for listening!


Inexplicable crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xanadhi.4615


So, the mac client for me has been running fine ever since I got it (by fine I mean it works, though performance is another issue). I’m playing on a mid-2010 MBP with the GT330 graphics card. Lately the client crashes on occasion for no apparent reason. I could be running around, fighting an NPC, just anything. It’ll freeze and I try to alt-tab out but nothing happens. I have to hard restart my laptop, which is an ugly last resort. This started I think with the latest update, or maybe the before it, but anyway… it’s happened 3-4 times now, enough to warrant some eyebrow raising.

Fionghuala skritt deserve our help?

in Lore

Posted by: Xanadhi.4615


Hehe thanks for all the input, that certainly makes the situation much more sensible now. Still, it’s annoying to go in there thinking, “I’m gonna help you guys!” and then get swarmed by all these skritt that pop out of nowhere. Such an odd species…

Fionghuala skritt deserve our help?

in Lore

Posted by: Xanadhi.4615


One of the quests in Timberline Falls is to help the Fionghuala skritt (cave in middle of map) prepare defenses… yet when you enter the cave nearly all of them are drunk, aggressive and like to attack you in swarms. It really doesn’t make me want to help them. It makes me want to help whoever wants to demolish them! It’s kind of mind-boggling. Maybe a design oversight?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xanadhi.4615


Throw my signature onto the form too. I was really hoping the makeover kits would come in with this update!