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Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: Xanitos.1028


I Have noticed a few things on my guardian that seem out of place and would like a second and third opinion:
1) When using Renewed Focus:
a. I can be knocked back/down when channeling this (Not sure if its intentional)
b. Conditions on me, such as bleed and poison, continue to damage me to the point where I went down during the channel (TA dungeon, near end where tentacle girls inflict massive bleeds on you)
c. This last one may be just my eyes, but all my skills on cool-down stop counting down for those three seconds, essentially freezing my skill bar for 3 seconds.
I just feel this “elite” skill hardly feels elite when other classes get more seconds of invulnerability and can move.

2) The Hammer
When wielding a hammer, Anet replied to complaints that the banish skill was pointless because it knocked an opponent away from you that you had to chase down. They stated that the ring of warding should go up first before you banish. It is a good combo but ring continues to fail. Seeing as you got most of the problems already listed, I would like to add another one.
When the spirit hammer is summoned and it does its passive knockback, it knocks them out of the ring of warding. Kind of defeats the rings purpose in my opinion. I would think the ring would block that knockback too since it is essentially the same thing.