Showing Posts For XenoForm.2907:

10/5: Crystal Desert/Dragonbrand/Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: XenoForm.2907


It’s not an “exploit”, it’s a sound strategy for turning the battle to your favor. Get over it.

I don’t care about the “Invisible Mesmer Portal” shenanigans, but I was miffed at this Norn or Human clown in Ad Idem [AI] from DB exploiting onto walls via Mesmer portals last night. Twice I watched this guy on the ground, outside, drop his portal, run up to a wall, then drop the portal ON TOP of the wall from outside and port his forces up and in. It’s bad enough you make 70% of your points when everyone else is asleep, but you’ve got to pull this exploit out the moment you face a force large enough to oppose you? Stay classy, Ad Idem Mesmer Guy.

Before you start pointing fingers and naming names make sure you have your facts straight. First of all, the portals werent dropped in the order from the ground to inside the wall. And also you have the portal locations wrong, it was not on top of the wall it was inside the inner gate. And why was it in the inner gate, because your server did a poor job of searching for hiding mesmers. Of which CD had no problem of finding. So in all no wall hopping exploits were used, it was just a game of hide and seek.

(edited by XenoForm.2907)