Showing Posts For Xenobius.3197:

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Xenobius.3197


I must say, I really, really dislike what you guy at Arena did to the weapon skills.
The cooldowns and such aside, switching places just made me suddenly feel completely uncomfortable with my guardian, because you just wasted all the muscle memory with that.

Either allow us to freely remap weapon skills like Utility Skills, or put it back the way it was, because without character-specific keybinds that kind of placement swapping is just like asking rebind keys every time you play a different character, or to shoot yourself in the leg.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenobius.3197


Btw, I hope you will learn me hebrew speaking somedays.

I was also surprised – right before I actually went to CaSu website
and found no Hebrew at all.
In fact, the writing there looks a lot like, um, I dunno, French?

(edited by Xenobius.3197)

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenobius.3197


CaSu have 10-20 members and they are laughing at you right now. They even don’t play on Vizunah cause of queues

Yes, yes, heard it a zillion times already.
You don’t have any overseas players, you just have immense skill and dedication and willpower and <insert something here>. This is precisely why you sit through sleepless nights, skip school/job/whatever during weekdays just to combat the most dreaded enemy GW2 has to offer – Gates of the Empty Keeps. A truly commendable effort, really.

Too bad that when the Moon Prism, or Power of the Night, or whatever else is turning you lot into “skilled and dedicated players” wanes, you get your behinds handed to you on a platter, eh?

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Xenobius.3197


It’s always open, some people play at night, it’s an open world, we can’t blame it. Try to understand this, really.

What I understand, is that some people (like, let’s say, ) play during their daytime, which happens to overlap with other people’s night time and then the whole server gets to brag about victories they don’t deserve.
I’m not saying they’re the only ones to blame, Anet made a really careless decision as well, allowing players from different regions to mingle at all, but deliberately choosing a EU-zone server to abuse the timezone isn’t going to earn them (or VS, for that matter) any respect at all.

Remove Vizunah Square from the European Serverpool or...

in WvW

Posted by: Xenobius.3197


TBH I have no idea why people think that “persistent” 24h PvP is a good thing for GW2 in it’s current state at all.
Think of it – in a game that forcibly resets the WvW status on a daily (weekly, soon enough) basis to give participants theoretically equal opportunities over and over again, simply exploiting the fact that some people have to sleep is the most efficient way of playing. Am I the only one who thinks that this kind of logic is beyond flawed?

I could understand a necessity for all-timezone coverage in a game with no instances, open and truly persistent world, but last time I checked, GW2 features only instanced, pretending-to-be-organized kind of PvP, no?

There is a reason why race drivers wait for the flag to drop before stomping the pedals instead of going “oh, what the heck” and starting early to gain a decisive lead while others wait. While I realize that atm WvW battle restrictions are nonexistent and on paper, nothing prevents you from camping it 24/7, some mechanic must be introduced to either move the whole WvW thing closer to organized PvP (think lockout periods based on server location), or turn it into a total 24h FFA Battle Royale with no resets whatsoever and a different point/reward system.

In other words, WvW system should either stop pretending to be fair at all, or become much, much more restrictive in terms of when, where and how we fight. Because as it stands now, I find it hard to believe people will have any lasting motivation to actually participate in it for meager bonuses and questionable “top server” position.