Showing Posts For Xhulifactor.2417:

Personal Storyline Completely Changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


whelp… I guess never getting a response and then having Anet completely Delete the content is an answer of sorts…..

Personal Storyline Completely Changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


Just for the record, our story progression through this section has now been, as you can see here , completely mixed between “suffering of another” and “Dishonored by Allies.”

The odd thing being that this happened to both of us who were on the same story…


Personal Storyline Completely Changed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


I’ve read a few bug posts about something similar, but my case is a bit different.

At the end of “Light in the Dark” with my Roomate, we decided to do the “dishonored by Allies” arc. He was hosting, and selected said dialogue option. I don’t remember the exact dialogue, but they are very distinct as to which they are going to send you to.

Imagine our surprise when, a few missions later, we were doing the “make another suffer” arc.

I know we did not just select the wrong story, though I don’t have screenshots to prove it.

From what I have seen here, “Forging the Pact” can change your storyline option to that of the leader, but we were both set to do the same one already, which was not the one we ended up with.

Could this come from the fact that we have been alternating who opens/hosts the instance somehow?

I am honestly stumped here. I clearly remember which option he clicked, and it was NOT “Making another Suffer”

Why doesn't dodge interrupt attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


I’ve been around but never posted. all the “fixes” I’ve seen were more involved, when all they really need to do is make dodge interrupt. my only problem is that.

Why doesn't dodge interrupt attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


I would be Happy with 1h sword if they made one change: Dodging should interrupt current actions, including the lightning fast 1h sword combo we have.

this is all it would take to fix everyone’s complaints…

Mix and Match Fashion Challenge [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


My Ranger Sigrun Valefuor.
Master Ranger, Tracker, and Bounty Hunter.

A transmutation spell from a nasty Bounty left her with a couple mementos on her forehead, which she keeps, as a warning to others.

CM was the only dungeon I could think of with the proper flavour of wildlands, and she happened to be there acquiring a particular Centaur on Bounty, and generally lowering the tone. =)


Head: Devil Horns
Shoulders: Stalwart Shoulders
Chest: Krytan Jerkin
Gloves: Predatory Bracers
Pants: Marauder Pants
Boots: Vipers Boots


Antique Bronze
Dijon (to match boot fittings to other fittings)



Dev livestream: Ready Up: April 4 @ 12pm – Megaservers & more

in PvP

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


How are Orichalcum and Ancient Wood Node Locations going to be handled with the new Megaserver system? It is going to hugely affect the ease of gathering these nodes to have to find them each time on each character, which will in turn drive prices on these commodities even higher.


Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


1 Ranger

2 Elementalist

3 Engineer


Totally not OP pet ideas :)

in Ranger

Posted by: Xhulifactor.2417


Juvenile troll:

F2 = Internet Flame War.