While it was awesome for people to work together with their realms to kill the most difficult PvE boss ever, this update frustrated a large part of the community.
I won’t go into detail on every detail about what’s wrong with this update (you can just look at the front page for that). I just want to take the time and share what I think would be best for the game/community moving forward regarding this and future updated bosses.
Why not make Tequatl instanced, a weekly (possibly daily), and scale for a squad of 30ish people. Just making the encounter instanced would resolve many of the issues that cropped up with this update.
What would this accomplish though exactly?
• No more overflows.
• No more dealing with AFKs
• No more trolls. Or if there are any, you can just replace them.
• You can do this on YOUR time. Not Tequatl’s.
• You can tune the fight even harder because premade groups are more organized than random people.
• This would make awesome guild content. Just imagine (in the future) doing all three Elder Dragon Champions with your guild. You can make an evening of it.
• Actually ensure its longevity. In a few months, most servers probably won’t be able to get 80 people to show up.
• Making this a weekly would make it rewarding. Buff ascended/pet/mat drops. I would rather spend an evening with a raid group working on this encounter than waiting in overflow for hours, get into main server, wipe on boss, wait 90 minutes, wipe again…. Etc
• You can keep the old Tequatl in the open world, on par with every other world boss.
I finally beat Tequatl today after ~20-24 hours of trying. I was overcome with joy. Joy that I don’t have a reason to come back. It’s a shame though, the fight itself is fun…. but it was just implemented horribly.